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Improve the efficiency of LED lamp power supply
Whether it is the power supply of current-limiting constant current control or the constant current power supply of op-amp control, the power supply problem should be solved. That is to say, when switching power supply chip works, it needs a relatively stable DC voltage to supply power to its chip. The working current of the chip varies from one MA to several MAs. Like FSD200, NCP1012, and HV9910, these chips are SELF-FED by high voltage, which is convenient to use, but high voltage www.bddianlu.com.cn www.jiazanmiaomu.com www.dongwutongdiao.cn www.tongshizii.cn www.renwutongdiao.cn www.tongfoxiangg.cnfeeding causes the increase of IC heat, because IC has to withstand about 300 V DC power, as long as there is a little current, even a MA, also has zero three-watt damage. Generally, the LED power supply is only about ten watts, so the efficiency of the power supply can be reduced by a few watts of loss. Typical like QX9910. Pull down the resistor to get electricity, so that the loss is on the resistor, and you have to lose about a few watts of it.
There is also magnetic coupling, that is, using a transformer to add a winding to the main power coil, just like the auxiliary winding of flyback power supply, so as to avoid losing this zero-watt power. This is also one of the reasons why transformers are not needed to isolate the power supply, in order to avoid losing the zero-watt power and increase the efficiency by a few points.
With the problem of global greenhouse gas emissions becoming more and more serious and approaching the critical point of self-regulation of the earth, many countries have introduced relevant policies. Governments in the world, including China, must urgently implement energy saving and emission reduction (carbon dioxide). LED lamp is the most energy-saving green environmental protection electric light source, and naturally becomes the main option of energy saving and emission reduction of lighting. With the gradual increase of the cost and price of LED lamp. The speed of its popularization is also accelerating. By 2020, the market share of LED lamps will exceed 50%.

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电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南南大街2267号 手机网址://epu-ip.com

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