
石家庄市J9九游会家用电器有限制的集团 联络人:高男士 收集:15369213194


Detection method for maintenance of LED display screen
The first short circuit detection method: the multimeter is transferred to the short circuit detection gear (usually with the alarm function, such as the guiding principle sends out the chirp), the detection whether there is the phenomenon of short circuit, the short circuit should be solved immediately after the short circuit, the short circuit phenomenon is also the most common LED display module fault. Some can be detected by observing the IC pin and pin pin. Short circuit detection should be operated in the case of circuit power failure to avoid damaging the multimeter. This method is the most commonly used method, simple and efficient. 90% of faults can be detected by this method.
Second resistance detection method: adjust the multimeter to the resistance gear, detect the ground resistance value of a certain point of a normal circuit board, and check whether the same point of the same circuit board is different from the normal resistance value. If the difference is different, the range of the problem is determined.
Third voltage detection method: transfer the multimeter to the voltage file, detect the ground voltage of some point of the doubted circuit, whether it is similar to the normal value, and can easily determine the scope of the problem.
Fourth pressure drop detection method: adjust the multimeter to the diode voltage drop detection gear, because all IC is made up of a large number of basic components, only miniaturized, so there is a voltage drop on the pin when a current is passed on one of its pins. Generally the same type of IC on the same pin voltage drop is similar, LED lighting, according to the pin voltage drop value is better or worse, must operate in the case of circuit power off.

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电话:15369213194 地址:张家口市莲池南大道2267号 站点://epu-ip.com

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