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Social Significance of Brightening Engineering
随着我国经济的飞速发展及城市现代化进程的不断加快, 特别是人类进入21世纪之际,我国城市夜景照明逐渐受到了人们的高度重视。这是因为城市夜间光环境和景观形象成为城市风貌不可分离的一部分,亮丽的城市夜景不仅可以为人们的夜间活动创造一个良好的环境,丰富人们的夜生活,而且对繁荣经济、发展旅游业、树立和表现一个城市的夜间形象,营造高尚的文化氛围等有具有十分重要的意义。
With the rapid development of China's economy and the acceleration of the process of urban caopingw.89ix.comshilongwang.89ix.com jinghuaqi.89ix.com hanzheng.89ix.com shuihuati.89ix.com bengchuang.89ix.commodernization, especially when human beings enter the 21st century, the urban night lighting in China has gradually been attached great importance. This is because the urban night light environment and landscape image become an inseparable part of the urban landscape. The bright urban night scene can not only create a good environment for people's night activities and enrich people's night life, but also play an important role in prospering the economy, developing tourism, establishing and expressing a city's night image and creating a noble cultural atmosphere. Significance.
1、城市亮化工程的社会意义 进入新的时代,随着人们的生活水平不断提高,仅仅是照明已经不能满足人类的需求,社会的发展和商业竞争的需要。对城市建筑物和公共空间,如城市广场、商业文化街、旅游景观、纪念性建筑、历史建筑、文化建筑,主要的政府办公建筑以及交通建筑等,设计和实施亮化工程,配以先进的泛光照明设备,展示其夜间丰富多彩、层次清晰、特色鲜明的光形象,建成一些品位高、质量好、与城市形象相适应的光环境场所,可很好的烘托城市中心区域的庄重、亲切、优雅的格调,使城市具有更强的时代感,从而增加城市空间的吸引力,充分表现城市环境文化信息及其建筑美学。所以,利用照明来改善城市夜景观,会对发展城市的旅游观光业、改善居住环境等产生积极的影响,它会给城市带来很大的社会效益。
1. The social significance of urban lighting project has entered a new era. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, lighting alone can no longer meet the needs of human beings, social development and commercial competition. For urban buildings and public spaces, such as city squares, commercial and cultural streets, tourist landscapes, monumental buildings, historical buildings, cultural buildings, major government office buildings and traffic buildings, design and implement lighting projects, with advanced floodlighting equipment, display their rich and colorful, clear-cut layered and distinctive light images at night, and build some high-grade and high-quality buildings. The light environment places with good quality and adapting to the city image can well set off the solemn, cordial and elegant style of the central area of the city, make the city have a stronger sense of the times, thus increasing the attraction of the urban space, and fully expressing the cultural information of the urban environment and its architectural aesthetics. Therefore, the use of lighting to improve the urban night landscape will have a positive impact on the development of urban tourism, improve the living environment and so on. It will bring great social benefits to the city.
2、城市亮化工程的经济效益意义 随着社会的不断进步与经济的迅猛发展,国内的大、中、小城市都相继开展了夜间照明系统的建设,这些亮化工程的建设在一定程度上给国家、给个人带来了不少的收益。亮化工程的建设使城市时代感浓烈,街道变得壮观,商业街的商机被推动。市民在焕然一新的商业街购买到喜爱的商品,到商业街消费的人群将成比例增长,从而使商家的营业额增长,国家税收增收,市场经济就更加繁荣。
2. The economic benefit significance of urban lighting projects with the continuous progress of society and rapid economic development, domestic large, medium and small cities have carried out night lighting system construction, these lighting projects to a certain extent to the country, to bring a lot of benefits to individuals. The construction of brightening project makes the City era strong, the streets become spectacular, and the business opportunities of commercial streets are promoted. Citizens buy favorite goods in the brand-new commercial street, and the people who consume in the commercial street will increase proportionally, so that the business turnover will increase, the national tax revenue will increase, and the market economy will be more prosperous.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:石家庄市莲池南大道2267号 网站://epu-ip.com

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