
保定市市J9九游会家电是有限的投资有限公司 建立通讯录:高丈夫 平果手机:15369213194


问 :户外照明,颜色如何测量?户外照明的适用范围是多少?
Q: how do we measure outdoor lighting? What is the applicable scope of outdoor lighting?
答 :行业标准倾向于相关色温(CCT)4000K、显色指数(CRI)70。可接受的范围通常是CCT3000K-5000K,CRI为70或80。
Answer: industry standard tends to be correlated with color temperature (CCT) 4000K and color rendering index (CRI) 70. The acceptable range is usually CCT3000K-5000K, CRI is 70 or 80.

问 :街道照明与公园或其他室外空间照明在设计上有何不同?
Q: what is the difference between street lighting and park or other outdoor space lighting design?
答 :每个应用代表一组不同的视觉任务,需要通过应用设计技术和光学技术来解决。不同的环境对安全性、标识以及识别物体的速度有不同的要求。
Answer: Each application represents a different set of visual tasks that need to be solved by applying design and optical techniques. Different environments have different requirements for safety, identification and speed of identifying objects.

问 :在规划户外照明设计时,应考虑哪些因素?
Q: what factors should be considered when planning outdoor lighting design?
答 :在规划户外照明设计时,要考虑以下五点:
Answer: in planning outdoor lighting design, we should consider the following five points:
1. 考虑导航或占用空间所需的视觉任务;
1. consider the visual tasks required to navigate or occupy space.
2. 确定执行任务所需的照明级别和一致性问题;
2. determine the level of illumination and consistency required for the implementation of tasks.
3. 确保灯具整体流明输出和安装高,以减少眩光并提高可视性;
3. ensure the lumen output and installation height of the luminaire to reduce glare and improve visibility.
4. 尊重用地红线,减少光入侵;
4. respect the red line of the land and reduce the invasion of light.
5. 为了防止光污染,选择可将地平线上的光线最小化的灯具。
5. in order to prevent light pollution, we choose lamps that minimize the light on the horizon.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:沧州市莲池南大道2267号 网止://epu-ip.com

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