
沧州市J9九游会电器电线电缆非常有限品牌 连系人:高老先生 苹果手机:15369213194


First, the choice of lighting
Generally speaking, it is not recommended that friends choose odd shapes, especially some lights with fierce and unlucky images, and the lighting also conforms to the style of the whole family, and do not appear incompatible. Classical decoration can choose classical lighting and harmonious collocation. At the same time, the color of the lamp also try to adapt to the surrounding environment, too prominent, eye-catching will produce breath, destroy the geomantic omen.

Two. Arrangement and setting of lighting
Generally, we should pay attention to the arrangement and setting of lighting.
1. Do not set up lamp decoration directly above people's long-term sitting and lying position, especially lamp with sharp decoration, let alone appear at home;
2, if the height of the home is not too high, try not to use chandeliers.
3, do not use the strong light source such as spotlights, and do not use flash lamps that are dim and dim.
4, direct lighting, such as table lamps, lens headlights and so on, try to keep away from people's eyes and do not have strong stimulation to the eyes.
5, prudent use of color lights, family members often five lines of joy, different, the emotional response to different colors, the impact of the air field is also different, if not clear family life, it is better to be natural light or ordinary energy saving lamp, fluorescent lamp.
6, bedroom, living room and other places, is a place where the family stays for a long time. In the choice of lighting, as far as possible to choose brightness can be adjusted, or layer increasing light lighting, too strong or too dark light will make people uncomfortable.
Three, the effect of the lighting on the wind and water
If used properly, the light can play a large part of the role of melting the brakes, thriving. Here are some common examples as follows:
1, the location of the missing corner of the house, setting up bright lights can have some remedial effect.
2, difficult to deal with crossbeams, you can use beams of light upward to beam.
3, set up long bright lights at home or in the doorway where there is no sunshine all the year round, so as to increase the vitality and dispel the evil spirits.
4, increase the financial position, Wenchang, peach and other auspicious brightness and so on.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:石家庄市莲池南南大街2267号 网站://epu-ip.com

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