
石家庄市J9九游会电器开关限制新公司 连接人:高女士 移动手机:15369213194


新地址:九游J9 公司的电磁采暖产品省石家庄市莲池南大道2267号
Buried lamp
buried lamp
1. Application scope
1. application scope

景观构筑物、小品、植物、硬质铺装照明。主要布置于硬质铺装照明立面、草坪区照明乔木等处;不宜布置于灌木区照明乔木及立面,使光线形成过多阴影及暗区(如图 1);当布置于草坪区时,玻璃面应比草坪面高 2-3 厘米,以使雨后积水不至于浸泡玻璃灯面。
景观构筑物、小品、植物、硬质铺装照明.主要布置于硬质铺装照明立面、草坪区照明乔木等处; 不宜布置于灌木区照明乔木及立面, 使光线形成过多阴影及暗区 (如图 1); 当布置于草坪区时, 玻璃面应比草坪面高 2 - 3 厘米. 以使雨后积水不至于浸泡玻璃灯面.
Landscape architecture, sketch, plant and hard pavement lighting. It is mainly arranged in the hard pavement lighting facade and the lawn area lighting tree, and should not be arranged in the shrub area to illuminate the trees and facades, so that the light forms too much shadow and dark area (such as Figure 1). When the lawn area is arranged, the glass surface should be 2-3 centimeters higher than the lawn surface so that the water will not be soaked in the glass surface after the rain.
landscape architecture, sketch, plant and hard pavement lighting. it is mainly arranged in the hard pavement lighting facade and the lawn area lighting tree, and should not be arranged in the shrub area to light up the trees and facades, so that the light forms too much shadow and the dark area (such as figure 1). when the lawn area is arranged, the glass surface should be 2 - 3 centimeters higher than the lawn surface so that the water will not be soaked in the glass surface after the rain.
地埋灯不宜布置于灌木区照明乔木及立面, 后果就是光出不来 (故意造影的除外).
Buried lamps should not be arranged in shrub areas to illuminate trees and facades. The consequence is that light can not come out (except for intentional radiography).
buried lamps should not be arranged in shrub areas to lighted trees and facades. the consequence is that light can not out (except for intentional radiography).

2. Type selection requirements
2. type selection requirements

(1) 光色
(1) light color
(1) light color

彩色光的喧闹与虚假,不适合作为人居夜景环境的使用。宜居的灯光环境,应采用自然色温范围 2000-6500K,根据植物的颜色相应调整灯光色温,如常绿植物宜采用 4200K 色温,红叶型植物宜采用 3000K 色温。
彩色光的喧闹与虚假, 不适合作为人居夜景环境的使用.宜居的灯光环境, 应采用自然色温范围 2000 - 6500k, 根据植物的颜色相应调整灯光色温, 如常绿植物宜采用 4200k 色温, 红叶型植物宜采用 3000k 色温.
The noise and falsehood of colored light are not suitable for the use of residential nightscape environment. The livable lighting environment should adopt the natural color temperature range 2000-6500K, adjust the light color temperature according to the color of the plant, such as the normal green plants should adopt the 4200K color temperature, and the red leaf type plants should adopt the 3000K color temperature.
the noise and falsehood of colored light are not suitable for the use of residential nightscape environment. the livable lighting environment should adopt the natural color temperatures range from 2000 to 6500k, adjust the light color temperature according to the color of the plant, such as the normal green plants should adopt the 4200k color temperatures, and the red leaf type plants should adopt the 3000k color t emperature.
彩色地埋灯光应用于照树木, 很诡异很诡异很诡异! 不要这样.
The application of color buried lights to trees is weird, weird and weird. Don't do that。
the application of color buried lights to trees is weird, weird, weird. don't do that.
自然色温地埋灯光应用于树木, 视觉舒适合理, 不会吓跑小孩.
Natural color temperature buried light should be applied to trees, which is comfortable and reasonable in vision and does not frighten children away.
natural color temperature buried light should be applied to trees, which is comfortable and reasonable in vision and does not frighten children away.

(2) 布灯方法
(2) light distribution method
(2) light distribution method
靠近或者有可能有人容易进入的区域, 布灯的时候谨慎, 零乱的灯具布置不仅破坏景观, 而且会容易绊倒行人.
Areas close to or likely to be accessible to others are careful when distributing lamps. The disorderly arrangement of lamps and lanterns will not only damage the landscape, but will also easily trip pedestrians.
areas close to or join us to be accessible to others are careful when distributing lamps. the disorderly arrangement of lamps and lanterns will not only damage the landscape, but will also easily trip pedestrians.

在不影响植物生长, 对植物种植土壤及根系不造成破坏的前提下, 对草坪区的乔木以可调角地埋灯进行照明.
Under the premise of not affecting plant growth and not destroying plant planting soil and roots, the trees in the lawn area are illuminated with adjustable angle buried lamps.
under the premise of not affecting plant growth and not destroying plant planting soil and roots, the trees in the lawn area are illuminated with adjustable angle buried lamps.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:石家庄市莲池南南大街2267号 网页://epu-ip.com

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