
石家庄市J9九游会设备十分有限厂家 沟通人:高夫人 手机号:15369213194


(1) 光效率高:光谱几乎全部集中于可见光频率,效率可以达到80%-90%。而光效差不多的白炽灯可见光效率仅为10%-20%;
(1) the optical efficiency is high: the spectrum almost concentrates on the visible frequency, and the efficiency can reach 80%-90%. The visible light efficiency of incandescent lamp with the same light efficiency is only 10%-20%.
(2) 光线质量高:由于光谱中没有紫外线和红外线,故没有热量,没有辐射,属于典型的绿色照明光源;
(2) the quality of light is high: because there is no ultraviolet and infrared rays in the spectrum, there is no heat and no radiation, which belongs to the typical green lighting source.
(3) 能耗小:单体功率一般在0.05-1W,以其作为光源,在同样亮度下耗电量仅为普通日炽灯的1/8-10;
(3) energy consumption is small: the power of the monomer is generally 0.05-1W, and it is used as the light source. The power consumption is only 1/8-10 of the ordinary day lamp under the same brightness.
(4) 寿命长:光通量衰减到70%的标准寿命是10万小时;
(4) long life: the standard life expectancy of luminous flux attenuation to 70% is 100 thousand hours.
(5) 可靠耐用:没有钨丝,玻壳等容易损坏的部位非正常报废率很小,维护费用极为低廉;
(5) reliable and durable: no tungsten wire, glass shell and other easy to damage parts of the normal rate of scrap is very small, maintenance costs are extremely low.
(6) 应用灵活:体积小,可以平面封装,易开发成轻薄短小的产品做成点,线,面,各种形式的用产品;
(6) flexible application: small size, flat packaging, easy to develop into light, short products made of dots, lines, surfaces, various forms of products;
(7) 安全:单位工作电压大致在1.5-5V之间,工作电流在20-70MA之间;
(7) safety: the working voltage of the unit is roughly 1.5-5V, and the working current is between 20-70MA.
(8) 绿色环保:废弃物可回收,没有污染,不像荧光灯一样含有汞成分;
(8) green environmental protection: waste can be recycled without pollution.
(9) 响应时间短:适应频繁开关以及高频运作的场合。
(9) short response time: suitable for frequent switching and high frequency operation.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南大道2267号 网止://epu-ip.com

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