
保定市市J9九游会电器电线电缆非常有限实业公司 找话题人:高教授 苹果六手机:15369213194


Classification of commercial lighting fixtures
Smallpox lamps and lanterns
The sky lantern is a kind of lighting and modern decorative lamps with noble grade. It is very suitable for shopping malls, hotels, jewelry counters and high-end homes. So what are the ceiling lamps? Ceiling lamps include suspension, suction top, luminescent ceiling, luminescent lamp trough and so on.
Wall lamp
Wall lamps are cantilevered and attached to wall two. They are mostly mounted on walls or columns and have decorative functions. With other lamps and lanterns, the lighting effect can also be enhanced.
Table lamp and ground lamp
The desk lamp and the floor lamp have the function of functional lighting and decorative and atmospheric lighting.
Glowing word
Glowing words are often used in company LOGO, publicity slogans, corporate advertising slogans, etc., through the use of lighting colors and font changes to improve the visibility of commercial signs.
LED display screen
The LED display screen is mainly used in shopping malls, supermarkets, banks, hotels and other commercial areas, which can broadcast promotional photos and advertising films of businesses.

Selection of commercial lighting fixtures

1、 商品的吸引力,是否能给人眼前一亮
1, whether the attraction of commodities can give people a bright look.

商品的可见度和吸引力在商业照明中起到至关重要的作用 ,而瞬间能不能把顾客吸引住往往依靠于专业的商业照明设计。主要通过对商品做重点照明来提升、强调商品的外观从而使它们成为注意力的焦点。
The visibility and attractiveness of goods play an important role in commercial lighting, and it is often dependent on professional commercial lighting design that the moment can be attracted by customers. Mainly through the focus on lighting products to enhance and emphasize the appearance of goods, so that they become the focus of attention.

2、 舒适的光环境,给人一种到家的感觉
2, comfortable light environment, giving people a sense of home.

In order to attract customers, the shopping mall must create a comfortable light environment, the collocation of light is very important. If a customer feels comfortable when shopping, it will stay longer, spend more money, and be happy to come back again and again, and introduce the feeling of the light environment that is comfortable for the friends to enjoy. High quality lighting can stimulate emotions and pride, and enhance store brand image. Commercial lighting lamps are mainly used in hotel restaurants, shops, shopping malls, exhibition halls and other places.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南南大街2267号 网扯://epu-ip.com

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