
石家庄市J9九游会电器设备局限公司的 认识人:高叔叔 华为手机:15369213194


1、对于用在特定商业环境的光源的照度、 色温、 光源显色有了科学的界定及根据 要求而进行较准确的测算,不同于最初的目测评估;
1. It is different from the original visual evaluation for the illuminance, color temperature and color color of light source used in a specific commercial environment.
2、现代商业照明的目标针对性明确,为了达到突 出某一功用往往需要进行特定的设计, 以烘托环境, 反映特定的商业性质及特点;
2. The aim of modern commercial lighting is clear. In order to achieve a certain function, a specific design is often needed to reflect the specific commercial nature and characteristics.
3、现代商业照明的 性质由照明的目的决定 ,往往在渲染气氛的手段上 使用区域多点光源、 光色空间组合;
3, the nature of modern commercial lighting is determined by the purpose of lighting, often using multi-point light sources and combination of light and color in the means of rendering the atmosphere.
4、随着高科技电脑可控技术的运用, 能够以动态的、可变幻的、有特定程序的方式与受众达到交互的状态;
4, with the use of high-tech computer controlled technology, it can interact with audiences in a dynamic, changeable and specific way.
5、随 着紧凑型光源的发展,镇流器等超小、 超薄、 各种新 技术、 新工艺的灯用电器配件的不断采用, 现代商照 灯具正在向小型、 实用和多功能化方面发展;
5. With the development of compact light source and the continuous adoption of ultra small, ultra-thin, new technology and new technology, modern lighting lamps are developing to small, practical and multi-functional aspects.
6, transformation from a single lighting function to lighting and decoration.
随着时代的进步, 现代商业照 明的技术手段、 照明审美观念也在不断地更新。
With the progress of the times, modern commercial lighting technology and lighting aesthetic concepts are constantly updated.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南街道2267号 URL://epu-ip.com

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