
保定市市J9九游会电气产品有局限集团 搞好关系人:高师傅 的手机:15369213194


1. The integration of product design
现代家庭生活中,每个家庭成员无意识的将各自认为最优的产品摆放在自家环境中,就因为没有整体的设计风格而显得乱七八糟。然而,家居产品与家居环境、家居设备等都是家居系统中的组成要素,并承担着各自在居室中的功能角色,在家居生活中相互作用和影响,共同构成家居系统的整体。因此,九游J9 在设计时不能把家居产品与家居环境等家居系统的各种要素割裂,而要将它们作为整体来设计。因此提出研究家居灯饰产品与居室环境相配套,形成统一的整体性风格。现代住宅灯具设计是对物质技术、形态、室内环境、使用者等众多设计因素的综合处理。同时,从地区性文化、消费者的心理需求出发,如人的不同愿望、爱好、精神、审美情趣、民族风格等,也要求家居产品设计与其形成整体,使人们获得精神上的满足和美好的享受。
In modern family life, every family member unconsciously puts the best products in their own environment, which is a mess because there is no overall design style. However, home products and home environment, home equipment are the components of the home system, and assume their own functional roles in the living room, the interaction and influence in the home life, and together constitute the whole of the home system. Therefore, when we design, we can not separate the various elements of household system such as home products and home environment, but we should design them as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to study the matching of household lighting products and the living room environment so as to form a unified and integrated style. Modern residential lighting design is a comprehensive treatment of many design factors such as material technology, form, indoor environment, users and so on. At the same time, from the regional culture and the psychological needs of consumers, such as people's different wishes, hobbies, spirit, aesthetic taste, national style, and so on, it also requires the design of home products and the formation of the whole, so that people can get spiritual satisfaction and good enjoyment.
Two, diversity of product form
好的产品设计应该具备新颖性的特点。因为消费者总是喜新厌旧的,一款再美的灯具,当你几年如一日的面对它时,也难免觉得平淡乏味。所以,好的设计应该使消费者对一款产品保持较长的新鲜感。如今,可以变换造型的灯具越来越受到年轻消费者的欢迎。从以前固定不变的灯具造型到现在可以随意更改造型,灯具设计完成了一个跨越。多年来,九游J9 一直购买固定造型的灯具,也没有觉得有什么问题,但是一旦九游J9 接触到了能够随自己的心意改变形态的灯具,相信九游J9 立刻就会喜欢上它。可以预测,灯具形态可随意更改的多样化设计,由单一的形态转为多种形态将成为未来灯具设计的必然趋势。
Good product design should be innovative. Because consumers are always new and old, a more beautiful lamp, when you face it for a few years, it is hard to feel plain and boring. Therefore, good design should enable consumers to maintain a longer sense of freshness for a product. Nowadays, more and more young consumers are welcome to transform the lamps and lanterns. From the previous fixed lamp modeling to now can change the shape at will, the lamp design has completed a leap. For years, we have been buying fixtures for fixtures, and we don't feel any problem, but once we get in touch with the luminaires that can change their minds, we believe we will like it immediately. It can be predicted that the diversified design of lamps and lanterns can be changed arbitrarily, from a single form to a variety of forms, which will become an inevitable trend of future lamps and lanterns design.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:张家口市莲池南南大街2267号 站点://epu-ip.com

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