
沧州市J9九游会设备有限责任子公司 取得通讯录:高先生的英文 电脑:15369213194


The trend of intelligent outdoor lighting

Today, with the rapid development of LED control technology, the outdoor lighting can be adjusted not only according to the time period of the day and the conditions of ambient light, but also according to the weather, specific activities and applications. In addition, outdoor lighting can also add additional functions, and can feed the state of each lamp to the central control system so as to improve the efficiency and reduce the maintenance cost.

Many luminaire operators are considering the transfer of street lighting with basic functions to a more flexible central management system (CMS). Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is a good example. City engineers originally wanted LED lighting, just to save energy. Replacing traditional lighting with LED lighting can reduce 20-30%'s lighting energy costs. But engineers also found that the use of integrated intelligent control system LED street lamps, not only can reduce energy consumption, and long-term maintenance costs will also be reduced.

照明行业现在正在形成一个层级系统,这与现在在汽车行业运作的系统不一样。原始设备制造商(OEM)专注于其核心竞争力,并将外围技术的开发留给供应商。 AC / DC转换器的研发就是一个例子。过去,大多数照明公司都在开发自己的转换器。现在,他们可以购买一个内置转换器的调光插座。现在所有OEM要做的就是开发自己的控制电路,可以连接到模块,形成最后的组装。这样,OEM可以以最少的研发开发出独特的产品然后迅速上市。
The lighting industry is now forming a hierarchical system, which is different from the system currently operating in the automotive industry. Original equipment manufacturers (OEM) focus on their core competitiveness and leave the development of peripheral technologies to suppliers. The research and development of the AC / DC converter is an example. In the past, most lighting companies were developing their own converters. Now, they can buy a dimmer socket with a built-in converter. Now all OEM has to do is to develop its own control circuit, which can connect to the module and form the final assembly. In this way, OEM can develop unique products with the least research and development, and then go on the market quickly.

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电话:15369213194 地址:沧州市莲池南大道2267号 网页地址://epu-ip.com

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