
保定市市J9九游会电有限制装修公司 建立手机通讯录:高老公 移动手机:15369213194


The characteristics of the LED project lighting lamp are high luminous purity and no need for lamp shade. The wavelength error is less than 10 nm.
LED engineering lighting features two, belong to cold light source, the luminous heat is very small, to the lamps and lanterns material heat resistance requirements are not very high;
LED工程照明灯特点三、高效节能:耗电量低,与普通白炽灯相比,可节能 70%~80%以上;
LED engineering lighting features three, high efficiency and energy saving: low power consumption, compared with ordinary incandescent lamp, it can save more than 70% to 80%.
LED engineering lighting features four, low voltage, working voltage can be designed in DC, AC (12V-260V) wide voltage range to work;
LED engineering lighting features five, good color rendering: color index is more than 80, close to natural light; color temperature is optional, can achieve different kinds of lighting needs of different lighting environment.
LED工程照明灯特点六、瞬间启动:响应时间更快,无需预热时间,瞬间可启动照明.传统玻壳灯泡则有 0.3 秒的延迟;
LED engineering lighting features six, instant start: faster response time, no need for warm-up time, instant start lighting. Traditional bulb lamp has a delay of 0.3 seconds.
LED工程照明灯特点七、超长寿命:设计寿命指标≥6 万小时,寿命长达 10 万小时是目前所有光源中寿命最长的一种光源;
LED lighting features seven, super long life: design life index more than 60 thousand hours, life up to 100 thousand hours is the most long life of all light sources of light;
LED工程照明灯特点八、使用简单,安装方便.目前使用最广泛的 LED 球泡兼容螺口,卡口等,安装和普通灯泡完全一样;
LED engineering lighting features eight, easy to use and easy to install. Currently the most widely used LED ball compatible screw port, bayonet and so on are installed exactly the same as ordinary bulbs.
LED工程照明灯特点九、绿色环保:无闪烁,彻底消除眼睛疲劳;不含液态汞,无辐射,是绿色环保的圆帅光源. 色环保的圆帅光源;
LED lighting features nine, green environmental protection: no flicker, completely eliminate eye fatigue, free of liquid mercury, no radiation, is a green green light source. Green and green light source;
LED工程照明灯特点十、光束集中,更易于控制,且不需要用反射器聚光,有利于减小灯具的深度 使用简单,安装方便. 球泡兼容螺口。
LED lighting features ten, light beam concentration, easier to control, and do not need to use reflector to gather light. It is easy to reduce the depth of the lamp use, easy to install. The bulb is compatible with the stud.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:石家庄市莲池南南大街2267号 网站://epu-ip.com

石家庄市J9九游会家电有局限总部比较适合:led照明设备工程电器照明设备开关,照明设备工程灯饰灯照明设备企业,项目工程照明设备工程电器照明设备开关,家居饰品照明设备工程灯饰灯照明设备企业,商业性的照明设备开关多少钱,野外照明设备工程电器照明设备开关 :

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