
沧州市J9九游会电子产品是有限的工司 沟通人:高先生的英文 电脑:15369213194


一般来说,不建议朋友们选择稀奇古怪的造型,特别是一些带有凶煞、不吉形象的灯饰,另外灯饰也要符合整体家装的风格,不要出现格格不入的情况。古典式的装修就可以选择古典式的灯饰,和谐搭配。同时灯光的颜色也尽 量与周边的环境相适应,过于突出、刺眼都会产生煞气,破坏风水气场。
Generally speaking, it is not recommended that friends choose odd shapes, especially some lights with fierce and unlucky images, and the lighting also conforms to the style of the whole family, and do not appear incompatible. Classical decoration can choose classical lighting and harmonious collocation. At the same time, the color of the lights is also adapted to the surrounding environment. Too prominent and dazzling will create a bad breath and destroy the geomantic omen.
Two. Arrangement and setting of lighting
Generally, we should pay attention to the arrangement and setting of lighting.
1, do not set up lighting above the location where people sit and lie for a long time, especially those with sharp decoration, but not at home.
2, if the height of the family is not too high, try not to use chandeliers.
3, do not use the strong light source such as spotlights, not to use the flash and dim lights for a long time.
4, direct lighting, such as desk lamp, lens and headlights, etc., try to keep away from human eyes and do not have strong stimulation to the eyes.
5, prudent use of color lights, family members often five lines of joy, different, the emotional response to different colors, the impact of the air field is also different, if not clear family life, it is better to be natural light or ordinary energy saving lamp, fluorescent lamp.
6, bedroom, living room and other places, is a place where the family stays for a long time. In the choice of lighting, as far as possible to choose brightness can be adjusted, or layer increasing light lighting, too strong or too dark light will make people uncomfortable.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:张家口市莲池南街道2267号 网页地址://epu-ip.com

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