
保定市市J9九游会电器开关有现品牌 找人:高大叔 电话:15369213194


一.依季节、环境选色温:色温范围为2700———6500K, 数值愈小偏向黄光, 反之则偏向蓝白光, 黄光通常适用于冬季及卧房、客厅、餐厅等场合,用于营造温馨舒适感。而白光较为明亮清晰,适合在夏季及书房、厨房等。
First, according to season and environment, color temperature is selected: the color temperature range is 2700 - 6500K, the smaller the value is, the yellow light is biased. Otherwise, it tends to Lan Baiguang. Yellow light is usually applied to winter and bedroom, living room, restaurant and other occasions, so as to create a warm and comfortable feeling. And white light is more bright and clear, suitable for summer and study, kitchen and so on.

二.需强调颜色对比, 选演色性高的产品。 演色性指物体被光照射后颜色的真实性, 数值为0—100, 现在LED灯泡演色性标准都大于75以上, 家中有画室的业主应要选购演色性高的灯泡,较能反映颜色的真实性。
Two. The need to emphasize the color contrast, Xuanyan high color products. Color rendering of an object is true color after light irradiation, a value of 0 - 100, now LED lighting color standards are more than 75 home owners to buy the studio has high color lighting, can reflect the true colors.

三.根据发光角度选择灯具。 一般型LED灯泡适用于下照式灯具,例如崁灯;广角型LED灯泡适用于泛光型灯具例如壁灯、立灯等。
Three. Choose lamps and lanterns according to the angle of luminescence. General LED lighting for illumination lamps, such as down light; type LED lamp suitable for wide-angle floodlight lamp wall lamp, floor lamp, for example.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:沧州市莲池南街道2267号 网止://epu-ip.com

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