
石家庄市J9九游会电气产品是有限的实业公司 结合人:高老先生 的手机:15369213194


1、光谱成分中应没有紫外光和红外光。长期过多接受紫外线,不仅容易引起角膜炎,还会对晶状体、视网膜、脉络膜等造成伤害。红外线极易被水吸收,过多的红外线经过人眼晶状体聚集时即被大量吸收,久而久之晶状体会发生变性,导致白内障。 2、光的色温应贴近自然光。人们长期在自然光下生活,人眼对自然光适应性强,视觉效果好。 3、无电磁辐射,杜绝辐射污染保护大脑。它既能提供令人舒适的光照空间,又能很好地满足人的生理健康需求,是环保的健康光源。长期使用可保护视力,预防近视。 4、零频闪,不会使眼睛产生疲劳现象。普通日光灯的供电频率为50赫兹,表示发光时每秒亮暗100次,属于低频率的频闪光,会使人眼的调节器官处于紧张的调节状态,导致视觉疲劳。如果发光时的频率提高到数百、数万赫兹以上--—成为高频率,人眼即不会有频闪感觉;但真正的无频闪是直流供电或半导体固体发光器件(如LED发光二极管)发出的光称为无频闪光。 1, spectral components should be no ultraviolet and infrared light. Accept too much ultraviolet light for a long time, not only easy to cause keratitis, will harm the lens, retina, choroid, etc. Infrared easily absorbed by water, excessive infrared light through the human eye lens gathered by a host of absorption, will happen over time the lens degeneration, cataract. 2, light color temperature should be close to natural light. People living in the natural light for a long time, the human eye to light adaptability is strong, good visual effect. 3, no electromagnetic radiation, put an end to protect the brain radiation pollution. It can provide a comfortable space for lighting, and can well meet the demand of people's physical health, the light source is environmental health. Long-term use can protect eyesight and prevent myopia. 4, zero stroboscopic, won't make the eye fatigue phenomenon. Common fluorescent lamp power supply frequency 50 hz, the light at the brightness 100 times per second, belongs to the low frequency and frequency flash, can make the regulation of human organs in the regulation of tension state, result in visual fatigue. If the frequency of the light at the increase to more than hundreds and tens of thousands of Hertz --, as a high frequency, the eye that there would be no stroboscopic feeling; But the real no stroboscopic is dc power supply or solid semiconductor light-emitting device (such as the LED light emitting diode) light called frequency flash.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:沧州市莲池南街道2267号 首页://epu-ip.com

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