
沧州市J9九游会电商有限制的公司 找话题人:高某先生 电话:15369213194


 一.标牌/电机额定输出功率工作工作线工作电压、工作频率、输出功率、色温等; Identification/rated voltage, frequency, power, color temperature, etc.   二.点灯耐冲击试验试验/效果软件检验; Two. Point light test/function test;   三.耐冲击试验(绝绿強度)软件检验; Three. Withstand pressure (green strength) test;   四.陆续性呵护保障等电位连接软件检验。 Four. Continuity ground test. 防引发电到事故呵护划分成: The protection of electric shock protection is divided into:   0类照明照明:离不开核心耐冲击成为防引发电到事故呵护的照明照明,因此部委严防生产方式和售出; Class 0 lamps and lanterns: rely on the basic insulation as protection of the lamps and lanterns, such countries strictly prohibit production and sale;   I类照明照明:照明照明的防引发电到事故呵护这这样不仅离不开核心耐冲击,但是还包涵扩展的防护性高可靠防护性高卫生保障的具体的措施,即易触碰你的导电零组件连入到配制的稳固接线中的呵护呵护保障等电位连接导体上,使易触碰你的导电零组件在一旦核心耐冲击丧失时不至通电; I kind of lamps and lanterns of lamps and lanterns: not only rely on basic insulation protection against electric shock, but also includes additional security measures, namely the accessible conductive parts connected to the facilities of the protective earthing conductor in the fixed wiring, make accessible conductive parts of the basic insulation failure is not charged in the one thousand;   II类照明照明:照明照明的防引发电到事故呵护这这样不仅离不开核心耐冲击,但是具扩展防护性高可靠防护性高卫生保障的具体的措施,列如重复耐冲击或增进绝绿,无呵护呵护保障等电位连接或离不开施工具体条件的保障的具体的措施; Lamps and lanterns of lamps and lanterns of class II: not only rely on basic insulation protection against electric shock, and has the additional security measures, such as double insulation or reinforced off green, no grounding or depend on the installation conditions protection measures;   III类照明照明:防引发电到事故呵护离不开供电工作工作线工作电压为防护性高可靠防护性高卫生特低工作工作线工作电压,或者没有生成超出特低(SELV)工作工作线工作电压的照明照明。 Class III lamps: the protection of electric shock protection depends on the voltage of the power supply, and it will not produce the lamp that is higher than the low (SELV) voltage.   一大堆小厂,是也没有什么东西防护性高可靠防护性高卫生察觉,LED照明照明能发光便可。一大堆公程师说LED照明照明,一打耐冲击试验就能破损发光字的Led珠珠,这样相识是错误操作的,是以常不防护性高可靠防护性高卫生的。 A lot of small factories, there is no safety awareness, LED lamps can light up. A lot of engineers say LED lamps, a dozen withstand pressure can damage LED lamp bead, this knowledge is wrong, is very insecure.   成为加盟商,咱们一些 要规定抑制企业产品控量,可达到防护性高可靠防护性高卫生规定的标准的。 As a business, we must strictly control the product quality and meet safety standards. 

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南街道2267号 网页地址://epu-ip.com

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