
保定市市J9九游会家用电器比较有限集团 找话题人:高教授 电话:15369213194


新地址:九游J9 公司的电磁采暖产品省沧州市莲池南南大街2267号
Bridge landscape lighting engineering principle 

Bridge lighting based on meet the landscape but also the prerequisite for the safety of navigation, according to the principle of landscape lighting aesthetics, follow these design principles. 

1) 结合桥梁美学以及景观的基本原则突出大桥结构特征。
1) the combination with the basic principles of bridge aesthetics and landscape bridge structure characteristics. 

2) 运用照明美学辅以桥梁的基本元素点、线、面相结合构成照明体系。
2) using lighting bridge aesthetics with the basic elements of dot, line, face combined with a lighting system. 

3) 以数码动态光色系统照明的形式增加桥梁夜间色彩层次。
3) in the form of a digital dynamic lighting light color system color level increase bridge night. 

4) 充分考虑不同的方位和角度进行桥梁夜景观照明设计,选取适当的亮度使桥在三维空间的环境中凸显出它的局部或细部,以表现桥梁总体艺术造型与具有个性的结构相结合。对桥梁的灯塔、桥墩等宜进行泛光照明,以达到有效的艺术效果。索塔泛光照明则应自下而上亮度逐渐减小且呈平稳过渡,变化过程中无明显亮(或暗)斑。桥墩泛光照明应具有一定的均匀度,最小亮度(或明度)值与最大平均亮度(或明度)值之比大于0.4。对桥梁的局部进行勾勒照明或重点照明,对梁体、护栏和缆索宜进行泛光照明和轮廓勾勒照明而对雕塑或有特色构筑物宜进行重点照明。
4) fully consider different orientation and Angle bridge night landscape lighting design, select the appropriate brightness to bridge in three dimensional space environment highlight its local or detail, to show the overall bridge art combined with has the personality structure. Lighthouse, bridge piers of the bridge, such as appropriate for the flood lighting, in order to achieve effective artistic effect. Cable tower floodlight lighting should be brightness decreased gradually from bottom to top and a smooth transition, in the process of change has no obvious light or dark spots. Piers evenness, flood lighting should be minimum brightness (or lightness) value and average maximum intensity (or lightness) the ratio of the value is greater than 0.4. To draw the outline of bridge of local lighting or accent lighting, the beam body, guardrails, and the appropriate cable to outline the contours and flood lighting lighting for sculpture or distinctive structure appropriate for accent lighting. 

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南南大街2267号 首页://epu-ip.com

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