
张家口市J9九游会电热器非常有限技术 链接人:高某先生 电脑:15369213194


UL是美国保险商试验所的简写。UL安全试验所是美国最有权威的,也是世界上从事安全试验和鉴定的较大的民间机构。 它是一个独立的、营利的、为公共安全做试验的专业机构。它采用科学的测试方法来研究确定各种材料、装置、产品、设备、建筑等对生命、财产有无危害和危害的程度;确定、编写、发行相应的标准和有助于减少及防止造成生命财产受到损失的资料,同时开展实情调研业务。 UL is the shorthand of underwriters laboratories in the United States. UL safety test is the most authoritative, is also the world is engaged in the security test and evaluation of large civil institutions. It is an independent, profitable, do test of professional organizations for public security. It USES science to study the method of testing of the various materials, devices, products, equipment, construction and other any hazard to life and property and the harm degree; Sure, write, and the corresponding standards and help reduce of issue and to prevent the loss of lives and property caused by data, at the same time to carry out the truth research business. FCC认证 The FCC certification 美国联邦通信委员会于1934年由COMMUNICATIONACT建立,是美国政府的一个独立机构,直接对国会负责。FCC通过控制无线电广播、电视、电信、卫星和电缆来协调国内和国际的通信。许多无线电应用产品、通讯产品和数字产品要进入美国市场,都要求FCC的认可。FCC委员会调查和研究产品安全性的各个阶段以找出解决问题的最好方法,同时FCC也包括无线电装置、航空器的检测等等。 The federal communications commission was established in 1934 by COMMUNICATIONACT, is an independent agency of the U.S. government, directly responsible to the congress. The FCC by controlling the radio, TV, telecom, satellite and cable to coordinate domestic and international communication. Many radio application products, communication products and digital products to enter the U.S. market, the FCC approval is required. The FCC committee to investigate and research the different stages of the product safety to find out the best way to solve the problem, also including the FCC radios, aircraft testing, and so on. CE认证 CE certification CE认证,即只限于产品不危及人类、动物和货品的安全方面的基本安全要求,而不是一般质量要求,协调指令只规定主要要求,一般指令要求是标准的任务。因此准确的含义是:CE标志是安全合格标志而非质量合格标志。是构成欧洲指令核心的“主要要求”。 CE certification, that is, only products do not endanger the safety of humans, animals and goods in terms of the basic safety requirements, rather than the general quality requirements, coordination command only main requirements, general instruction requirement is a standard task. So the accurate meaning is: CE mark is safety qualified marks rather than the quality of qualified marks. Is the "main requirements" constitutes the core of the European directive. “CE”标志是一种安全认证标志,被视为制造商打开并进入欧洲市场的护照。在欧盟市场,“CE”标志属强制性认证标志,不论是欧盟内部企业生产的产品,还是其他国家生产的产品,要想在欧盟市场上自由流通,就必须加贴“CE”标志。 "CE" mark is a kind of security authentication marks, is considered a manufacturer to open the passport and enter the European market. In the eu market, "CE" mark is a compulsory certification mark, whether the products of the enterprises within the eu, or products of other countries, to free circulation in the eu market, must be labeled with "CE". MET认证 MET listed MET认证标志适用于美国及加拿大市场:带有C-US的MET标志表示产品已经通过测试,符合美国和加拿大的适用标准,可以同时进入这两个市场。 Is suitable for the MET listed mark market: the United States and Canada with C - US MET logo said product has passed the test, conform to the applicable standards in the United States and Canada, can at the same time to enter the two markets. CB认证 CB certification CB体系(电工产品合格测试与认证的IEC体系)是IECEE运作的-个国际体系,IECEE各成员国认证机构以IEC标准为基础对电工产品安全性能进行测试,其测试结果即CB测试报告和CB测试证书在IECEE各成员国得到相互认可的体系。目的是为了减少由于必须满足不同国家认证或批准准则而产生的国际贸易壁垒。 CB system (electrician product qualification testing and certification of the IEC system) is - an international system of the operation of the IECEE IECEE member states certification institution based on the IEC standards for electrical product safety performance test, the test results the CB test report and the CB test certificate in the IECEE member states have mutual recognition system. Goal is to reduce by having to meet different national certification or approval standards of international trade barriers. CSA认证 CSA certification CSA是加拿大标准协会的简称,它成立于1919年,是加拿大首家专为制定工业标准的非盈利性机构。在北美市场上销售的电子、电器等产品都需要取得安全方面的认证。目前CSA是加拿大最大的安全认证机构,也是世界上最著名的安全认证机构之一 。它能对机械、建材、电器、电脑设备、办公设备、环保、医疗防火安全、运动及娱乐等方面的所有类型的产品提供安全认证。 CSA is short for Canadian standards association, which was founded in 1919, is Canada's first designed for non-profit institutions formulate industry standards. In the north American market sales of electronics, electrical appliances and other products need to obtain safety certification. The CSA is Canada's largest security certification bodies, is also one of the most famous security certification institution in the world. It can for machinery, building materials, electrical appliances, computer equipment, office equipment, environmental protection, medical and fire safety, sports and entertainment, etc, all types of products to provide a safe authentication.

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