
石家庄市J9九游会电器产品有限责任公司的 关联人:高老公 苹果六手机:15369213194


在车间内装修灯光市政工程中的运用大部分集中化在服务业区区灯光邻域,以装璜性灯光相结合: The LED application in indoor lighting engineering are mainly concentrated in the field of commercial lighting, mainly decorative lighting: 1、中高端大气专旗舰店店、商厂等车间内装修服务业区区气质灯光 1, high-grade special stores, shopping malls and other indoor commercial lighting atmosphere 节省坏保、无红外光谱采光,顺应了某几个店铺风采展现出个性时尚化徽章6境的心理上,就成为了几个店铺而对某几个独特成品风采展现出的安全可靠泛光灯;它全光谱仪图仪的画风超范围很比较好衬托出旗舰店店和商厂的气质,LED泛光灯在产品局部灯光、着重灯光和区域内灯光几个方面的长处,能树立出别中国传统灯光电泛光灯所时未相比的优质化量徽章6境,特别比较好服务业区区灯光邻域。此刻候,费用就成为了主要了解的原因。极强推荐:www.bdxm.com.cn www.sanjikeji.com www.qibijixinghao.com Energy conservation and environmental protection, no ultraviolet, catered to some merchants display personalized light environment psychology, become the best light source for some merchants for some special product display; The full spectrum of color range is very suitable to foil the atmosphere of the stores and malls, LED light source in the region of the local lighting, accent lighting and lighting, can create the other traditional light source of high quality light environment, very suitable for commercial lighting field. At that time, prices become a secondary consideration. Recommendation: www.bdxm.com.cn www.sanjikeji.com www.sanjikeji.com 2、娛樂地方、美容养生院灯光 2, places of entertainment, beauty salon lighting LED集合泛光灯LED易控,应该带来冗余和各类各样的灯光特效,从白灯到全光谱仪图仪的符合各种样色,渲染图出类别极强的娛樂气质来,LED的突然出现给这类别办公的空间坏境的装潢开发开起了新的总体目标。 LED full-color easy control, integrated light source can create static and dynamic lighting effect, from the white light to the full spectrum of any color, apply colours to a drawing gives a strong entertainment atmosphere, the appearance of the LED to this kind of space environment decoration design opens up a new train of thought. 3、清吧、奶茶厅等休闲娱乐地方的气质灯光 3, bars, coffee shops and other places of leisure mood lighting LED泛光灯体积太小,固体闪光,给了家用灯具生孩子商美好的起办公的空间,应该非常的专业加工制作各类区别设计的,而LED全光谱仪图仪的符合各种样色和动冗余的灯光特效让它的装璜性和造成小情调的技能从这类别地方表面得淋沥尽致。 LED light source is small in size, solid state light, give a manufacturer of lamps and lanterns of infinite space, can make all kinds of different styles of professional, and LED the whole spectrum of any color and lighting effect of dynamic and static let make emotional appeal of the decorative and functional performance in this kind of places to get incisively and vividly. 4、馆、绘画作品展示馆等非常的专业地方的灯光 4, museums, art galleries and other professional place of lighting 馆、绘画作品展示馆等地方是属于对灯徽章6境耍求较高的独特场所,,其风采展现出的东西的独特性耍求灯光泛光灯不包含红外光谱采光,不热辐射能。LED是冷泛光灯,采光中不包含红外光谱采光,齐全应该符合馆、绘画作品展示馆对灯光的独特耍求。 Museums, art galleries and other places belong to the special occasion of higher requirements on lighting environment, the particularity of its display items require lighting light source, no ultraviolet, no thermal radiation. LED cold light source, no ultraviolet light, can completely satisfy the museum, art galleries on the special requirements of lighting.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:张家口市莲池南街道2267号 网止://epu-ip.com

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