
张家口市J9九游会电热器有限的集团 沟通人:高师傅 智能手机:15369213194


壁灯选购注意事项 Wall lamp choose and choose the matter 1壁灯的款式规格要与安装场所协调,如大房间可以安双火壁灯,小房间可安单火壁灯。壁灯的色泽要与安装墙壁的颜色协调 The style specification of 1 wall lamp wants to be coordinated with installation place, if big room can install double fire wall lamp, small room can anshan fire wall lamp. The color of the wall lamp should be coordinated with the color of the installation wall 2壁灯的薄厚要与安装地点环境协调。若四周空大可选厚型壁灯;若四周窄小可选薄型壁灯。壁灯光源功率要与使用目的一致。 The thickness of the wall lamp should be coordinated with the installation site environment. If the surrounding space is large and optional wall lamp; If small and small can choose thin wall lamp. The power of the wall lamp light source should be consistent with the use purpose. 3壁灯安装高度以略高于人头为宜。 The wall lamp installation height is slightly higher than the head. 4壁灯一般多配用乳白色的玻璃灯罩,但也应视墙的颜色而定。白色或奶黄色的墙,宜用浅绿、浅蓝或茶色灯罩;湖绿或淡天蓝色的墙面,宜用浅黄色,乳白色或茶色灯罩。 4 the wall lamp is usually mixed with milky glass chimney, but also should inspect the color of the wall to decide. White or milky yellow wall, should use light green, light blue or tea color lampshade; The metope of green or light sky blue, appropriate use light yellow, ivory or tea color chimney.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:沧州市莲池南南大街2267号 首页://epu-ip.com

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