
保定市市J9九游会电器元件受限总部 关系人:高先生的英文 移动设备:15369213194


General safety requirements for LED lamps and lanterns do you know? LED 灯照明成品的基本应急必须,通常是指 LED 灯照明应构思和研制得使其在正常人用到时能应急地工做,对人或四周周边环境不有危害性。 General safety requirements of LED lamps and lamps shall mean that LED lamps shall be designed and manufactured to work safely in normal use, without harming the human or surrounding environment. 为了更好地出货检验报告设备的健康性,设备出货检验报告时需求 100% 常规检查的建设项目: For the safety of factory products, the products must be 100% checked when leaving the factory: 一、安全标识/额定负载额定公率、频繁、公率、色温等; I. identification/rated voltage, frequency, power, color temperature and so on; 二、点灯经过多次实验发现/系统测试仪; Ii. Light test/functional test; 三、耐冲击(绝绿強度)软件测试; 3. Withstand pressure (green strength) test; 四、连继性一定接地测式。 Iv. Continuity ground test. 防电触确保划分: The protection of electric shock protection is divided into: 0类户外灯具: Class 0 lamps: 借助于几乎绝缘性为防漏电保养的产品,这些发达国家严防生产制造和兜售;It is prohibited to produce and sell the lamps that rely on basic insulation as protection against electric shock. I 类室内灯具: Class I lamps: 灯具开关的防电触自我保护区不仅能借助于大多隔热,特别还主要包括浮动的安全性高控制措施,即易触碰的导电器件接入到基础设施的稳固走线中的自我保护区接地装置导体上,使易触碰的导电器件在万算大多隔热丧失时不至于通电; Lamps and lanterns is not only rely on basic insulation protection against electric shock, but also includes additional security measures, namely the accessible conductive parts connected to the facilities of the protective earthing conductor in the fixed wiring, make accessible conductive parts of the basic insulation failure is not charged in the one thousand; II 类室内照明灯具: Class II lamps: 灯具开关的防电触自我庇护不光依附于最基本隔绝,另外体现了增添卫生方法,列如 选择性隔绝或继续加强绝绿,就没有自我庇护等电位连接或依靠施工能力的方法; The protection of electric shock protection not only depends on the basic insulation, but also has additional security measures, such as double insulation or enhanced green, without protective grounding or dependent installation conditions; III类室内灯具: Class III lamps: 防发生触电事故保护措施仰仗外接电源额定电流值为防护特低额定电流值,还有就是没诞生超出特低(SELV)额定电流值的照明灯具。 The protection of electric shock protection depends on the voltage of the power supply voltage, and it will not produce the lamp that is higher than the low voltage (SELV) voltage. 许多小生产车间不会有不少的平安观念,而言 LED 灯饰能开起即刻。许多项目 师说 LED 灯饰,一打击穿电压都会烧坏 LED led灯条,这点认识了解是失误的,在常不平安的。 Many small factories don't have much safety awareness and think that LED lamps can be lit up. Many engineers say that LED lights, which can damage LED lights when they are pressed, are wrong and very unsafe. 对于买家,咱们有一定要要从严管控物料的品质,到稳定规格规范要求的。 As a businessman, we must strictly control the quality of products to meet safety standards. 那就,出产流程中应打击穿电压大小压呢?如 I 类led灯具,就会 2U+1000V/5分钟 So, how much pressure should be pressed in the production process? For example, the class I light fixture is 2U + 1000V / 1 minute LED 家用灯具养护地线的同步性性和防电触养护 The protection of the ground continuity and protection of the protection of LED lamps 一、LED 室内照明产品保护性接地极的连贯性性(二,三种室内照明产品不舒服用) 1. Continuity of protective grounding of LED lamps (2, three types of lamps are not applicable) LED 产品上的庇护等电位连接端子排与也许 改为导电连接的最容易局限于核心部件之中;庇护等电位连接的重要性是等电位连接免费qq会员性和稳定性等电位连接的间断性性,使检则的庇护等电位连接间断性性热敏电阻≤0.5 欧。 The protective grounding terminals on LED lamps are between the most vulnerable parts that may become charged; The key to protect the grounding is the continuity of the ground permanent and reliability grounding, which makes the protective grounding resistance of the detection less than 0.5 euro. 因此首要要选择有哪些部分要保养的与地面,但是是解決须得保养的与地面的部分与接接线端子排直接的接连性。 The first step is to determine which parts to protect the grounding and then to resolve the continuity between the parts that need to be protected and the terminals. 1、在完整产品装设时可碰触的,有时候隔热不起作用时能换成导电连接的零件; 1. It can be touched upon completion of the installation of the lamp, and it can be turned into a charged part when the insulation fails; 2、为照明灯具干净的而开启时可触碰的,从而绝绿没有效果时概率成为有电的零部件; 2. When the lamp is cleaned and opened, it can be touched when it is opened, and it may become a charged part when the green fails. 3、照明中很安全部件所以的金属质安装使用面; 3. The metal mounting surface of the safety components in the lamp; 4、与灯中的很安全构件(如电线电缆、操控设施)使用性的或有可能使用性的金属材料接触面; 4. Contact with the safety components of the lamp (such as electrical wires, control devices) or possible contact metal surfaces; 5、更注重的是要从组成部分在上面保证质量植物的根中的累计性。 It is more important to ensure the continuity between them from the structure. 6、用黄绿拼色线作标识牌的导体,无论怎样是内外接法更是外界接法,应仅与接地极接线端子排拼接; 6. The conductor with the yellow and green double-color line as the logo, whether internal or external wiring, should only connect with the ground terminal; 7、用自攻螺丝扣钉可以选择来保護等电位连入的连续式性,要是在普通 动用时会影响各种连入,然后各个方面连入处最少用四只螺丝; 7. The use of self-tapping screws can be used to protect the continuity of the grounding, so as long as the connection is not obstructed by normal use, and at least two screws are used at each connection; 8、用铝和铜切勿可以连入等电位连接保护,会起电物理化学作用会导致玩电容变宽,作用等电位连接保护间断性的低电容性;8. It is not possible to connect the earth directly with aluminum and copper, and it can cause a large contact resistance and influence the low resistance of the ground. 9、地线阻值的测定,需用测定装备调至 12V,10A 检测工具,阻值值≤0.5欧。 9. The measurement of the grounding resistance can be adjusted to 12V, 10A detection, and the resistance value is less than 0.5 euro. 注:跨接的持续性通常还是出现些,详情的以发展中我国行业标准单位为界。 Note: the continuity of grounding is mainly the above mentioned, and the detailed national standard shall prevail.


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电话:15369213194 地址:石家庄市莲池南大道2267号 网站源码://epu-ip.com

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