
保定市市J9九游会物品集团有限公司公司 取得通讯录:高先生英语 的手机:15369213194


高杆灯:一般指15米以上钢制柱型灯杆和大功率组合式灯架构成的新型照明装置。它由灯头、内部灯具电气、杆体及基础部分组成。灯头造型可根据用户要求、周围环境、照明需要具体而定;内部灯具多由泛光灯和投光灯组成,光源采用NG400高压钠灯,照明半径达60米。杆体一般为圆柱型独体结构,用钢板卷制而成,高度为25—40米指,25米以上钢制柱型灯杆和大功率组合式灯架构成的新型照明装置。 High pole lamp: generally refers to a new type of lighting device consisting of a steel column lamp and a large power combination lamp frame. It consists of lamp holder, internal lamp, electric rod body and basic part. The shape of the lamp can be determined according to the user's requirements, surroundings and lighting. The interior lamps are mainly composed of floodlights and lighting lamps. The light source adopts NG400 high pressure sodium lamp and the lighting radius reaches 60 meters. The rod body is usually a cylindrical one-body structure, made of steel plate, with a height of 25 to 40 meters, and a new type of lighting device made of steel column lamp and high power combination lamp frame. 道路灯: Road lights: 适合场所:公路,立交桥,停车场,体育场,货场,港口,机场及市民休闲广场等。 Suitable places: highway, overpass, carpark, stadium, cargo yard, port, airport and public leisure plaza. 特点:造型美观,具有很强的装饰性,照明面积大,照明效果好,光源集中,光照均匀,眩光小,易于控制,维修。灯杆,一般都是用锥管,材质为:上海宝钢Q235A碳素钢材简称Q235钢材,Q235就是钢材的一个型号,每个型号的钢材除了铁都包含不同元素,不同的钢材的它硬度都是不同的,价格也是相差很多的,比如45#王牌刚,D2钢材,S136高速钢NAK55,NAK80 ,NAKH-9等,由6元/KG-600元/磅,Q235作为最普通的钢材,价格便宜,硬度低,延展性好,比较好加工,锥管都采用这种材质多。 Features: beautiful shape, with strong decorative features, large lighting area, good lighting effect, concentrated lighting, uniform lighting, small glare, easy to control, and maintenance. Light pole, are generally used cone tube, material for: Shanghai baosteel Q235A carbon steel Q235 steel, steel Q235 is a model, each type of steel in addition to iron containing different elements and different of its hardness of the steel is different, the price also differs a lot, such as 45 # ace, D2 steel, high speed steel is S136 NAK55, NAK80, NAKH - 9, etc., from 6 yuan/KG - 600 RMB/pound, steel Q235 as the most common, cheap, low hardness, good ductility, better processing, taper pipe are using this material. 灯杆制作前需要确认款式及以下问题: To confirm the style and the following issues before the production of the lamppost: 1. 灯杆的高度。(单位:米)(一次性成形的高度可以做到3-12米高,超15米-35米的锥管要分2-4节做) 1. The height of the lamppost. (unit: meter) (the height of the one-time forming can be 3 to 12 meters high, and the cone tube of over 15 meters and 35 meters should be divided into two or four sections). 2. 灯杆上口径和下口径有没有客户特殊要求。 2. There is no special requirement for the calibre and the lower calibre. 3. 灯杆的厚度有没有客户特殊要求。(单位:毫米)(常规:3-12米厚度为3-4mm,15-35米的锥管厚为5mm.6mm.8mm.10mm.12mm14mm) 3. Is there any special requirement for the thickness of the lamp bar? (unit: mm) (conventional: 3-12 m for 3-4 mm thickness, 15 to 35 meters taper pipe thickness for 5 mm. 6 mm. 8 mm. 10 mm. 12 mm14mm) 4. 灯杆法兰盘(底盘、底板):是否有客户特殊孔距要求,是否有客户特殊厚度要求。 Lamp rod flange (chassis, floor) : whether there is customer special aperture requirement, whether customer special thickness requirement. 5. 灯杆支臂:伸出的长度是否有客户特殊要求,是否要做活动,是否有灯具距地面的高度,如不要灯具,(即路灯头),需要知道客户灯具的套头是多大的,配套生产。 5. Light pole arm: extend the length of the customer special requirements, whether to do activities, whether to have the height of the lamps and lanterns is apart from the ground, such as don't lamps and lanterns, (that is, the street lamp head), need to know the customer sets of lamps and lanterns is how much, form a complete set of production. 6. 灯杆防锈方式:1.热镀锌防锈处理(15-30年不生锈);2.冷镀锌防处理(3-5年不生锈)。按客人要求做热镀锌或冷镀锌。 6. Lamp-proof anti-rust method: 1. Hot galvanizing anti-rust treatment (15-30 years without rust); 2. Cold galvanizing anti-treatment (3-5 years without rust). Hot galvanizing or cold galvanizing as requested by guests.

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电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南大道2267号 网站://epu-ip.com

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