
石家庄市J9九游会小家电现有装修公司 联系起来人:高叔叔 的手机:15369213194


其中LED的基本结构是一块电致发光的半导体材料,其发出的光谱取决于选用的半导体材料特性。光源的色温由LED的光谱和荧光粉共同决定。 The basic structure of the LED is a semiconductor material that emits light, and the spectrum of its emission depends on the characteristics of the selected semiconductor materials. The color temperature of the light source is determined by the LED spectrum and phosphor powder.    因此,在通过电流调制对白光LED光源调光的过程中并不会导致色温的明显变化。白光LED的这种特性在对色温稳定性要求较高的场合例如影视拍摄现场受到了极大欢迎。 Therefore, the change of color temperature will not be caused by the modulation of electric current to the white LED light. This characteristic of white leds is greatly welcomed in the situations of high temperature stability requirements such as film and television filming.    在更注重舞台艺术表现力的场合下,长期以来舞美灯光人员使用的灯具均为卤钨灯具,其特点是当舞台灯光进行渐明渐暗调光时,光源的光色和色温会产生相应的变化,说明其光谱辐射相对能量分布都发生了改变。 In more pay attention to the situation of stage art expressive force, long lights used are tungsten halogen lamps and lanterns of lamps and lanterns, its characteristic is to fadein dimming light changes when the stage lights, light source the light color and color temperature will produce corresponding change, explain the spectral radiant energy distribution has changed.    例如,卤钨灯从额定电压值下调光时,光参数的变化规律是:光亮度和色温逐渐降低,光色渐渐向红色方向变化,反之,当工作电压推升时,光亮度和色温都会提高,光色从红色向黄白色渐变。如同九游J9 每天太阳升起时,东方的天边出现橘红色的太阳,而在中午,阳光变成一个白色的圆盘。 Tungsten halogen lamp, for example, from the rated voltage value lower light, light parameters change rule is: gradually reduce the brightness and color temperature, light color gradual change in the direction of the red, on the other hand, when the working voltage boosting, brightness and color temperature will increase, light color from red to yellow-white gradient. As we rise in the sun every day, the eastern horizon appears orange and red, and at noon the sun turns into a white disk.    在舞台灯光的应用过程中,这种使用方式和习惯很容易表现生活场景和情绪,进而满足灯光师和观众的心里和生理需求。这种需求对白光LED光源的光色性能提出了挑战。 In the application of stage lighting, this method and habit can easily manifest the life scene and mood, which will satisfy the mental and physical needs of the lighting technician and the audience. This demand challenges the light color performance of white LED light source.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:石家庄市莲池南街道2267号 网站://epu-ip.com

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