
张家口市J9九游会电器电线电缆有限责任子公司 关联人:高老师 电脑:15369213194


常见的水族日光灯分类: Common water type fluorescent lamp classification: (1)白色荧光灯 (1) white fluorescent lamps 这是目前使用最多、销量最大的一大类普通长圆形灯管。它能产生均匀柔和的光照,适合绝大多数水族箱及养殖类型,对一般水草生长均适合,但因其在水族箱中穿透力不强,不适合较深的水族箱(60厘米以上)。灯管同家用日光灯几乎一样。不同厂家生产的同一瓦数灯管,其粗细、色质、寿命也不一样。 This is the most commonly used, the largest category of general long circular tubes. It can produce uniform downy light, suitable for the vast majority of aquatic animals and breeding types, are appropriate for the growth of general aquatic plants, but because of its penetration in the aquatic animals box is not strong, is not suitable for aquarium (more than 60 centimeters) deep. The lamp tube is almost identical to the household fluorescent lamp. The same wattage lamp tube that different manufacturer produces, its coarse, chroma, life also is different. (2)红色荧光灯 (2) red fluorescent lamps 红色荧光灯与白色营光灯外观几乎元差别,只是接通电源发出的光呈红(粉)色,照出的鱼只色彩更加艳丽迷人。因此,多适合以鱼为主的水族箱。红色荧光灯的瓦数与白色荧光灯一样,为10—40瓦,可供不同尺寸水族箱选择。 The red fluorescent lamp is almost the same as the white one, but the light is red (pink) and the color is more attractive. As a result, the aquatic animals box that is mainly suitable for fish. The wattage of red fluorescent lamp is the same as white fluorescent lamp, for 10 to 40 watts, can offer different dimensional aquarium choice. (3)三基色荧光灯 (3) three base color fluorescent lamps 一些技术力量好的灯具生产厂家,采用红、蓝、绿三基色荧光粉生产了一种更接近自然、更适合各种草及观赏鱼类对不同光波区的需要的全光谱荧光灯。这种灯管对单灯灯座、多养殖对象、多光波区需要的水族箱尤为适合。市售的品牌有“喜端”、“爱族”、“喜万年”、“飞利浦”、“TFC”等。与普通白色荧光灯对比,鱼只呈现色泽明显不同,其价格较高,较适于普通实用型及豪华挑战型。 Some good manufacturer of lamps and lanterns technical force, the use of red, blue, green tricolor phosphor powder produced a closer to nature, more suitable for all kinds of grass and ornamental fish to need the full spectrum of fluorescent lamp in different light. This kind of lamp tube is especially suitable for the tank lamp holder, the multi-breeding object, and the need of the aquarium. There are "likes", "love", "happiness", "philips" and "TFC". Compared with the ordinary white fluorescent lamp, the fish only show the color of the colour and color, the price is higher, suitable for the common practical and the luxurious challenge type. (4)台式荧光灯 (4) table fluorescent lamp 这是为了配合台灯式灯座而专门设计生产的一类灯管,其特点是灯管小巧、瓦数较低,适合小型水族箱选用。不同厂家生产的台灯式荧光灯外观不一样,接口也不一定相同,选取择时尤其注意灯头与灯座的兼容性。 This is to cooperate the lamp holder of lamp type lamp holder specially design produce a kind of lamp tube, its characteristic is the lamp tube is small, the wattage is low, suit small aquatic animals box to choose. The lamp type fluorescent lamp that different manufacturer produces is different, the interface is not same, the compatibility of lamp holder and lamp holder is chosen especially when choosing.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:沧州市莲池南大道2267号 手机网址://epu-ip.com

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