
张家口市J9九游会设备受限总部 联络人:高先生英文 安卓机:15369213194


一. 灯具相关定义 The definition of lamps and lanterns   1. 灯具:凡是能分配,透出或转变一个或多个光源发出的光线的一种器具,并包括支撑、 固定和保护光源必需的部件(但不包括光源本身),以及必需的电路辅助装置和将它们与电源连接的设施。 1. The lamps and lanterns: anyone can allocate, filters or shift one or more of the light source the light by, including support, fixed and protect the light source required components (but not including the light source itself), and the necessary circuit auxiliary device and connect them with the power supply facilities.   2. 普通灯具:提供防止与带电部件意外接触的保护,但没有特殊的防尘、防固体异物和防水等级的灯具。 Common lighting: provide protection against accidental contact with electric parts, but no special dust, solid foreign body and waterproof grade lamps.   3. 可移动式灯具:正常使用时,灯具连接到电源后能从一处移动到另一处的灯具。 Portable lamps: when used normally, lamps can be connected to a lamp from one place to another.   4. 固定式灯具:不能轻易的从一处移动到另一处的灯具,因为固定以致于这种灯具只能借助于工具才能拆卸。 4. The fixed type lamps and lanterns: can't easily move from one place to another of the lamps and lanterns, because fixed so that in this kind of lamps and lanterns can only remove with the aid of tools.   5. 嵌入式灯具:制造商指定完全或部分嵌入安装表面的灯具。 Embedded lighting: the manufacturer specifies a lamp that is fully or partially embedded in the surface of the installation.   6. 带电部件:在正常使用过程中,可能引起触电的导电部件。中心导体应当看作是带电部件。 Charged parts: conductive parts that may cause electric shock during normal use. A central conductor shall be regarded as a charged part.   7. EN 安全特低电压(SELV-safety extra-low voltage):在通过诸如安全隔离变压器或转换器与供电电源隔离开来的电路中,在导体之间或在任何导体与接地之间,其交流电压有效值不超过 50V。 7. EN safety extra low voltage (SELV - safety extra - low voltage) : through such as security isolation transformer or transformer from the power supply circuit, between conductors or between any conductor and earthing, the ac voltage RMS does not exceed 50 v.   8. UL 低压线路:开路电压不超过交流电压有效值 30V 的线路。 UL low voltage line: the open circuit voltage does not exceed the ac voltage valid value 30V.   9. 基本绝缘(EN):加在带电部件上提供基本的防触电保护的绝缘。耐压应在2U+1000V 以上(U:当地的电网电压)。 Basic insulation (EN) : provides basic protective insulation on charged parts. Pressure should be above 2U + 1000V (U: local grid voltage).   10.补充绝缘(EN):附加在基本绝缘基础上的独立的绝缘,用于基本绝缘失效时提供防触电保护。耐压值应在 2U+1750V 以上(单层)。 Additional insulation (EN) : an independent insulation based on basic insulation that provides protection against electrical protection when basic insulation fails. Pressure tolerance should be above 2U + 1750V (single layer).   11.双层绝缘(EN):基本绝缘与补充绝缘组成的绝缘,耐压值应在 4U+2750V 以上(即基本绝缘与补充绝缘耐压之和)。 11. Double insulation (EN) : basic insulation and supplementary insulation insulation of pressure value should be more than 4 u + 2750 v (i.e., the sum of basic insulation and supplementary insulation withstand voltage).   12.增强绝缘(EN):绝缘效果与双层绝缘相当的一种加强性绝缘。从总体上看,一般只为一层,但也可由多层组成,且各层不可明确进行分割并单独测量。耐压值应在4U+2750V 以上。 Enhanced insulation (EN) : insulating effect is an enhanced insulation equivalent to double insulation. Generally speaking, it is only one layer, but it can also be made up of layers, and the layers are not clearly separated and measured separately. Pressure tolerance should be above 4U + 2750V.   13.CLASS O 级灯(EN):仅以基本绝缘为电击保护措施的灯具,无接地等保护措施。 CLASS O CLASS lamp (EN) : protection measures such as light, no grounding, etc., only with basic insulation for shock protection.   14.CLASS I 级灯(EN):除了基本绝缘为电击保护措施外,还采用了其它如接地等保护性措施的灯具。 CLASS I lamp (EN) : besides the basic insulation for shock protection, other lamps are used for protective measures such as grounding.   15.CLASS II 级灯具(EN):采取双重绝缘或增加绝缘为电击保护措施的灯具。其绝缘效果不依赖于接地或安装条件。 CLASS II lamps (EN) : double insulation or increased insulation for electric shock protection. The insulation effect is not dependent on grounding or installation conditions.   16.CLASS III 级灯(EN):使用特低安全电压(SELV)为防电击保护方式的灯具。 CLASS III lamp (EN) : use the low safety voltage (SELV) to protect the lamp from the protection of the shock.   17.普通可燃材料(normally flammable material):材料的引燃温度至少为 200℃,并且在此温度时该材料不至于变形或强度降低。例如木材及厚度大于 2mm 的以木材为基质的材料。 17. Ordinary combustible materials (normally flammable material) : the ignition temperature of the material for at least 200 ℃, and at this temperature the decrease of strength of the material deformation or not. For example, wood and material that is thicker than 2mm in wood.   18.易燃材料(readily flammable material):普通可燃材料和非可燃材料以外的一种材料。例如木纤维和厚度小于 2 的以木材为基质的材料。 Flammable material: a material other than combustible materials and non-combustible materials. For example, wood fiber and material thickness less than 2 are based on wood.   19.非可燃材料(non-combustible material):不能助燃的材料。例如金属、水泥等。 19. Non combustible materials (non - combustible material) : can't combustion-supporting material. Such as metal, cement, etc.   20:定型试验(type test):对定型试验样品进行测试,其目的是检验某一给定产品的设计是否符合有关标准的要求,但通过定型测试后的产品在生产阶段是否符合标准要求,需要以测试报告及相关文件来保证。 20: type test (type test) : the type test sample for testing, the purpose is to test whether a given product design in line with the requirements of relevant standards, but after finalize the test product conformed to the standard requirements in the production stage, need to test reports and related documents to guarantee.

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电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南街道2267号 站点://epu-ip.com

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