
石家庄市J9九游会家用电器受限机构 练习人:高老公 移动:15369213194


一、卧室:关键是气氛 One, bedroom: the key is atmosphere 卧室是休息的私人隐私空间,柔和化是卧室灯饰的设计要点,这样才能保证主人情绪的放松。而卧室的灯饰照明要以温馨暖和的黄色为基调,避免采用室内中央的唯一大灯饰。同时,床头上方可嵌筒灯饰或壁灯,也可在装饰柜中嵌筒灯饰,使室内更具浪漫舒适的气氛。 The bedroom is the private privacy space of rest, downy is the design point of bedroom lamp act the role of, this can guarantee master mood is relaxed. And the lighting of the lamp of the bedroom wants to be in warm and warm yellow to be the key, avoid the only big lamp that USES indoor central. At the same time, the top of the head of the bed can insert lamp of lamp act or wall lamp, also can be in adornment ark the lamp act is acted on, make indoor more romantic and comfortable atmosphere. 因此,选用一款可进行调色的LED灯十分重要,到时可根据室内的装修风格及个人喜好随时进行调色,在冬季用黄色、红色、紫色是最合适的。 Therefore, choose a palette of leds can be very important, then can according to indoor decorate a style and personal preference for toning, at any time during the winter in yellow, red, purple is the most appropriate. 二、客厅:主题是明亮 Second, the living room: the topic is bright 客厅是会客的地方,因此光线一定要充足。LED灯饰不仅亮度较其它类型灯具大,且更易造型,装修时可根据装修风格选择有光檐的LED灯饰,让整个室内空间显得完整而且无眩光,营造出温暖的感觉。 The sitting room is the place of the visitor, so the light must be sufficient. LED lighting not only brightness than other types of lamps and lanterns, and are more likely to modelling, when decorating, can choose according to decorate a style to have light eaves of LED lighting, make whole and interior space to be complete and no glare, build a warm feeling. 需要注意的是,光檐一般是沿着天花板或墙壁四周而立的,这样可形成四周明亮、较暗的天花板向上延伸的视觉效果。这样用光,就算较矮的天花板也不会显得压抑,而且还可以保证整个空间都笼罩在柔和的灯光里,给人一种温暖的感觉。 It is important to note that the light eaves are generally along the ceiling or wall and stand around, it can form around the bright, dark ceiling extended upward visual effect. So run out, even to the ceiling with shorter won't appear depressive, but also can ensure the whole space is shrouded in the soft light, give a person a kind of warm feeling. 三、走廊:与亮度无关 Corridor: it's not about brightness 很多家庭会忽略这方面的灯饰设计,其实走廊灯饰的搭配也很有考究,走廊灯饰的搭配可以影映出整个家庭装修的风格。如配以具有异域风格的贝壳壁灯和陨石壁灯,不仅起到辅助照明的作用,而且还是一件亮丽的家居饰品。 Many families will ignore this aspect of the lighting design, actually corridor lamp is acted the role of the collocation also is fastidious, the collocation of corridor lighting can shadow reflected the style of whole family is decorated. If match with the shell wall lamp of an exotic style and the wall lamp of the meteorite, not only serve the role of illuminative, but also be a bright household article. 此外,如走廊过长,建议在顶部配自然光的射灯,且壁灯灯饰的搭配一定要与家庭的整体风格一致。 Moreover, if the corridor is too long, the lamp that suggests to match natural light at the top, and the collocation of wall lamp act must be consistent with the whole style of the family.

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电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南街道2267号 网站首页://epu-ip.com

沧州市J9九游会设备不多单位推荐英文:led光照照航室内LED灯具照指路明LED灯具,照航室内LED灯具照指路明LED灯具灯饰LED灯具照指路明LED灯具生产商代理商,公程光照照航室内LED灯具照指路明LED灯具,家装照航室内LED灯具照指路明LED灯具灯饰LED灯具照指路明LED灯具生产商代理商,商业性的照航室内LED灯具照指路明LED灯具多少钱,室外光照照航室内LED灯具照指路明LED灯具 :

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