
沧州市J9九游会电器电线电缆有效工厂 搞好关系人:高丈夫 安卓机:15369213194


近些年来,中国经济保持高速发展的态势,在能源消耗总量急剧增加的同时,能源使用效率却处于国际落后的水平,因此国家提出节约能源的基本国策,随着民航业务的发展,维修业务越来越多,很多航空公司都加大了对维修设施和维护设备的投资力度,如何合理利用电气节能技术,实现节能减排,节约企业运行成本,提升企业竞争力,是需要深入考虑的问题。 In recent years, China's economy to keep high speed development, the dramatic rise in total energy consumption at the same time, the energy efficiency was behind the international level, so the country put forward the basic state policy of saving energy, with the development of civil aviation business, maintenance business more and more, many airlines have stepped up to the maintenance of facilities and maintenance of the equipment investment, how to reasonable use of electrical energy saving technology, realize the energy conservation and emissions reduction, save the running cost for the enterprise, improve enterprise competitiveness, is the problem that needs further consideration. 照明灯具的合理选择,是促进节能的重要方向: Selection of proper lighting lamps and lanterns, is one of the important directions to promote energy saving: 维修机库一般由机库大厅和附楼组成,维修大厅是停放和维修飞机的场所,附楼主要包括动力设施和各类维修车间。 Maintenance hangar generally consists of the hangar hall and attached building, maintenance of the hall is the place that the parking and maintenance, mainly include power facilities and all kinds of repair shop. 机库跨度大,面积大,高度一般超过20米,对照明的质量,照度,光效要求也比较高。 Span large hangar, large area, more than 20 meters high, the quality of lighting, illumination, has a high photosynthetic efficiency requirements. 根据维修工艺不同,机库及附楼维修车间照度一般为300-500Lux,办公室等房间为300lux,其余场所按照【GB 50034-2013 建筑照明标准】,在满足照度要求的情况下,各场所内照明功率密度限定在目标值以下。 According to different maintenance process, and attached building maintenance hangar workshop illumination general is 300-500 lux, office room of 300 lux, the rest of the site in accordance with the "GB 50034-50034 building lighting standards", in the case of meet the requirements of illumination, various places within the lighting power density limit below target. 目前,LED灯具已经在民航机场广泛应用,包括跑道,滑行道,停机坪,高杆等区域和场所,今后LED灯使用的范围将逐步扩大,对机场进行全覆盖。 At present, the LED lamps and lanterns has been widely used in civil aviation airport, including runway, taxiway and apron, growing areas and places, such as LED lights in the future will gradually expand the scope of, full coverage of the airport. 相对传统卤素灯或高压钠灯来说,如采用LED灯具作为维修机库照明光源,以爱视丽(Eye's Light)品牌灯具为例,具有显色性好(Ra>75以上,保护机务维修人员视力,防止用眼疲劳),发光效率高(整灯100lm/W),功率因素高(PF>0.98),免维护(5年免维护,避免高空作业频繁更换灯具),色温选择多(2700-6500K),适用于大空间场所,满足不同场所不同需求等优势。 Relative to the traditional halogen lamp or high pressure sodium lamp, such as using LED lamps and lanterns as maintenance hangar lighting Light source, with love as li (Eye 's Light) brand lamps and lanterns, for example, has a good color rendering (Ra > 75 above, protection engineering maintenance personnel eyesight, prevent Eye fatigue), high luminous efficiency (the whole lamp 100 lm/W), high power factor (PF) > 0.98, free maintenance (5 years free maintenance, and avoid the work high above the lamps and lanterns), color temperature selection (2700-6500 k), more suitable for large space place, meet the demand of different places and other advantages.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南街道2267号 首页://epu-ip.com

沧州市J9九游会电商不足子公司安利:led照航产品产品,灯饰照射室内照射灯具开关开关企业,工程施工照航产品产品,家居饰品灯饰照射室内照射灯具开关开关企业,商业性产品价位,在户外照航产品产品 :

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