
石家庄市J9九游会电有限制的工司 关联人:高男士 电话:15369213194


现在越来越繁多的灯具种类,使得小伙伴们在选择灯具的时候眼花缭乱,不知道什么样的灯具适合自己的照明需求,也不知道什么样的灯具质量相对较好,性能相对稳定并且节能效果好。今天,小编就为大家介绍一下LED照明灯具,和小伙伴们一起看看LED照明灯的优缺点以及LED照明灯具安装规范。 一、 LED照明灯具的优缺点1、优点:   (1)节能。白光LED的能耗仅为白炽灯的1/10,节能灯的1/4。 < (2)超长寿命50,000小时以上,是传统钨丝灯的50倍以上。  (3)可以工作在高速状态.节能灯如果频繁的启动或关断灯丝就会发黑很快的坏掉  (4)固态封装,属于冷光源类型。所以它很方便运输和安装,可以被装置在任何微型和封闭的设备中,不怕振动。  (5)环保,没有汞的有害物质。LED灯的组装部件可以非常容易的拆装,不用厂家回收都可以通过其它人回收。  (1)LED灯具的散热。LED散热不好就会加快LED的光衰,从而影响LED灯具的寿命,所以不得不考虑这个散热效果的影响。随着LED技术和灯具模具的开发,优质的生产厂家会注重LED灯具散热问题,目前来说,LED灯具散热问题还是得到了很好的解决。 (2)价格。同等亮度的情况下,LED照明灯具比节能灯价格高出3-4倍。 二、LED照明灯具安装规范 1.安装场地的考察。不管是工业照明灯具的安装还是家用照明灯具的安装,在安装前应对现场进行考察,确定这个位置是安全的方可对此进行明确的定位。工业照明灯具的安装会着重计算照明场所需要达到的照度、安装环境等因素。 <2.灯具的型号和功率大小的选择。LED照明灯具的型号和规格也不相同,安装时候需要结合实际情况选择标准的型号,以便于后期照明工作的继续进行。  3.遵守安全的操作规程。安装时候都会要求场地环境、实际安装高度等因素。在LED照明灯具安装时候也不例外。可以请教同行的专业人士进行指导。确保安装后有一个安全的操作环境。 4.其他因素,如果是室外灯具的安装还需要考虑到防雨防晒功能;如果是易燃易爆场所比如石油化工、煤炭、加油站等等,还需要考虑防爆功能;随着灯具制造技术的发达,现在的LED照明灯具都将会具备防水防尘防爆的功能。在设计照明方案安装LED灯具的时候环境对照明灯具的要求也是重要因素之一。   看完了这些关于LED照明灯具安装知识,小伙伴们是不是已经做到了心中有数呢?每一种灯具都有自己的优点和缺点,所以小伙伴们在选择灯具时要做好对比,知道自己比较注重灯具的哪一方面,而不要人云亦云。希望小伙伴们看完这篇简短的介绍,可以在选择LED灯具时选到自己喜欢的同时也要吸取专业人士意见。 Now more and more various kinds of lamps and lanterns, makes friends when choosing lamps and lanterns is dazzling, don't know what kind of lamps and lanterns for their lighting needs, also don't know what kind of lamps and lanterns of relatively good quality, performance is relatively stable and energy saving effect is good. Today, small make up to you to introduce LED lighting lamps and lanterns, and friends together to look at the advantages and disadvantages of LED lighting and LED lighting lamps and lanterns installation specification. A, 1, the advantages and disadvantages of LED lighting lamps and lanterns advantages: (1) the energy saving. White LED power consumption is only 1/10 of incandescent lamp, energy-saving lamp of a quarter. < (2) long life 50000 hours, more than 50 times that of the traditional tungsten filament lamp. (3) can work at high speed. Energy-saving lamps if frequent filament black will soon start on or off the broken (4) solid-state encapsulation, belongs to the cold light source type. So it is very easy to transport and install, can be in any tiny and closed equipment, not afraid of vibration. (5) environmental protection, no mercury harmful substances. The LED assembly parts can be very easy to tear open outfit, no manufacturers recycling can be recycled through other people. (1) the LED lamps and lanterns of heat dissipation. LED heat dissipation is not good will speed up the LED light failure, which affects the life of the LED lamps and lanterns, so have to take into account the heat dissipation effect. As the development of LED technology and mould of lamps and lanterns, high quality manufacturers will focus on the LED lamps and lanterns of the cooling problem, for now, the LED lamps and lanterns heat dissipation problem still had a good solution. (2) the price. Under the condition of the same brightness, the LED lighting lamps and lanterns is 3-4 times higher than the price. Second, the LED lighting lamps and lanterns installation specification 1. Installation site inspection. Both industrial lighting installation and the installation of household lighting lamps and lanterns, respond to the scene before installation, make sure the location is safe can clear positioning. Industrial lighting installation will emphasize to calculate lighting places need to factors such as illumination, installation environment. < 2. The choice of the type of lamps and lanterns and power size. LED lighting lamps and lanterns of different type and specification, the model for the selection of installation time need combined with the actual situation, so that the lighting in the late work to continue. 3. Abide by rules of safe operation. When installation will require space environment, the actual installation height and other factors. When in installation of LED lighting lamps and lanterns is no exception. Can consult and fellow professionals guide. To ensure a safe operating environment after installation. 4. Other factors, if the installation of outdoor lamps and lanterns also need to consider to the waterproof sunscreen function; If it is inflammable and explosive places such as petrochemical industry, coal, gas stations, etc., also need to consider the explosion-proof function; With the developed of lamps and lanterns manufacture technology, and now the LED lighting lamps and lanterns will blast proof and waterproof and dustproof function. Install LED lamps and lanterns in the design of lighting solution environment is one of the important factors to the requirement of lighting lamps and lanterns. Finished watching these knowledge about LED lighting lamps and lanterns is installed, has done some friends? Each has its own advantages and disadvantages of lamps and lanterns, so friends should be compared when choosing lamps and lanterns, know oneself more pay attention to the lamps and lanterns which on the one hand, but do not want echo what other says. Hope friends to read this brief introduction, you can choose when choosing LED lamps and lanterns to oneself to like at the same time also want to learn professional opinion.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:石家庄市莲池南大道2267号 URL://epu-ip.com

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