
保定市市J9九游会电器元件现有公司的 关联人:高某先生 安卓机:15369213194


LED照明灯具经销商赚大钱的九种思维 你缺少了啥
Letter to win the world, people's biggest bankruptcy, bankruptcy is credibility! Some dealers of lamps and lanterns can achieve good sales of tens of millions a year, how are they doing? Their commitment and honest. Promise to the customer what to light, said to do it. Promised to employees salary bonus, a lot. Promise to manufacturers of deposit payment on time in place. Such people, their business better. 
 灯具经销商一定要有品牌意识,将店面及时更新升级,平时也要重服务。小编认识个灯具经销商,这人很节省,据说连车的保险费都省。有天出去办事,车被交警 给扣下了。他却对交警说自己生意不好,没钱交保险。他的朋友们都劝他,把店面好好升级下。因为他的店已经5年没装修了,人家都不愿进店去,感觉又旧又乱 的,所以生意越来越差。这样的灯具经销商很快就会被淘汰。
Distributor of lamps and lanterns must have brand awareness, to upgrade, store update to heavy service at ordinary times. Small make up a distributor of lamps and lanterns, this man is very save, it is said that even the car insurance premium province. One day out to handle affairs, the car was wrecked by the traffic police to buckle under. But he said to police their business is not good, have no money to pay insurance. His friends advised him to store to upgrade. Because of his store haven't decorate for five years, the somebody else all don't want to into the shop, feeling was old and disorderly, so business is getting worse. So the lamps and lanterns of dealers will be eliminated soon. 
<  专注才能做好灯,灯具经销商更要专一才能做大做强。很多灯具经销商,今年生意不好做,因为自己没有定位好。很多产品全摆在一起,正规牌子和杂牌应有尽 有。根本没有啥统一的系列与风格,所以他们的竞争力是很弱的。有些产品若是问题了,人家厂家给了很便宜的价格,根本没有服务。弄到最后,客户来店里闹,做 着做着都没劲了。这样的灯具经销商,能赚到钱吗?
< focus to make lights, lamps and lanterns more dealers to fully to become bigger and stronger. Many dealers of lamps and lanterns, this year the business is not good, because I wasn't good location. Many products all together, should do a regular brand and a less known and inferior brand. No what unified series and style, so their competitiveness is very weak. If some problem, the somebody else manufacturer for very cheap price, there is no service. Get in the end, the customer to the store, do the do the boring. So the lamps and lanterns of the dealer, can make money? 
 坐在店里,守在店里卖灯已经成为过去式了。现在很多做的很好灯具经销商,他们都是主动走出去,用行商思维去做市场。有次小编去某品牌的门店,只见一百多 平米的门店只有两人在店里。可一个月他们竟能做到70多万的销售量。问其原因,是因为他们招了3位业务员,专门去外面拉业务。将做活动、发传单、谈工程、 搞联盟等做的极致,这样的组合拳,让他们的灯越来越好卖。
Sitting in the shop, and keep in the shop to sell the lamp has become the past tense. Many dealers do well lamps and lanterns, now they are all take the initiative to go out, with the thinking of the hong merchants to do market. Once small make up to a certain brand stores, I saw more than one hundred square meters of stores only two people in the shop. Can a month they could do the sales of more than 70. Ask its reason, because they are called the three salesman, dedicated to pull business outside. Will do activities, distributing leaflets, talk about engineering, make union of acme, such combination, let them lamp is getting better and better. 
<  别以为好好的卖灯就可以了,如果想赚大钱你必须得会投资,有投资才会有回报。有些做的好的灯具经销商,会主动花钱做条幅打广告,找电台做宣传,还会请明 星拉人气。你觉得人家很傻,可人家的订单越来越多。告诉你,现在的时代是“酒香也要去吆喝”。为何有钱人,喜欢去做投资?各位,要学会算大帐!
< don't think a good sell lamp is ok, if you want to make a lot of money you will have to investment, investment will be return. Some dealers do good lamps and lanterns, will take the initiative to spend money to do the banner advertising, to find a radio to do propaganda, also please Ming star popularity. Do you think the somebody else very silly, but more and more orders. To tell you, now is the era of the "Shouting" bouquet is going. Why do the rich, want to do investment? Ladies and gentlemen, to learn how to calculate the big account! 
Have pressure to just have power, some lamps and lanterns dealers pressed a little bit of goods by the customer is used. Also some lamps and lanterns of dealer performance requirements for manufacturers to frighten dead. Such a distributor of lamps and lanterns, do what all don't last. And some of the best distributor of lamps and lanterns, is growing up in pressure goods and performance of various pressure. Remember, don't force a force yourself, never know how much his cow B. 
 你很重视你的客户,你的客户自然很尊重你。任何事情都是相对的,你若时刻站在客户的角度,总为客户着想。那么你的灯肯定越来越好卖,你跟客户的粘度也越 来越高。试想一下,你若是花很多精力去买了灯,可这灯今天不是频闪,明天就是漏电的,你会不会烦死。那么客户为此骂你几句,你还会跟他对骂吗?
Attaches great importance to your clients, your customer is naturally respect you. Moment, everything is relative, if you stand in the perspective of the customer, always in the interests of customers. So your lights must be more and more good to sell, you with the customer to the higher viscosity will become. Imagine, if you spend a lot of energy to buy the lamp, can this lamp not stroboscopic today, tomorrow is the leakage, would you bother to death. So customer scold you for this a few words, will you still let rip with him? 
   有位灯具经销商,因为一个灯壳没有及时给客户,自己赔给了客户500元。这灯壳成本才30元,可这经销商却很多倍的赔给了客户。他说,按客户来回的交通 费,两天的误工费,师傅的安装费等加起来就多了,也要适当补偿下客户,人家跑的也辛苦。这客户拿到钱后,很是感动,自己亲戚朋友要买灯,他都力推这个灯具 经销商。拥有利他思维的人,啥事都顺,自然赚的多啦!
There is a distributor of lamps and lanterns, because no in time to the customer a lamp shell, compensate for their clients, 500 yuan. This lamp shell cost only 30 yuan, but the dealer has many times to compensate for the customers. Back and forth, he said, according to the customers' transportation fee, the two days of work, the installation of the master, add up to much, also under the proper compensation to the customer, somebody else can run too hard. After the customer get the money, is very touched, their relatives and friends to buy the lamp, he is pushing the distributor of lamps and lanterns. People with altruism thinking, what matter all along, earn more natural! 

LED照明灯具经销商赚大钱的九种思维 你缺少了啥

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电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南大道2267号 网站首页://epu-ip.com

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