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壁灯安装有玄机 你知道吗?
自古以来,中国人对于布局的问题十分讲究,房子的五行布局,、讲究方位的设置并且对其产生的影响很有讲究的。随着社会的不断进步,人们对于家庭装修的要求越来越高,这就打打的促进了家具灯具的发展。其中,壁灯似乎也成为了消费者们青睐的对象。安装虽简单,但是为了使壁灯达到预期的效果,壁灯安装需要有几点注意事项: Since the ancient times, Chinese people for the layout of the problem is very exquisite, the five lines of the layout of the house, and exquisite bearing Settings and the impact is to have cultured. With the constant progress of the society, people more and more high to the requirement of a family to decorate, it is helping to promote the development of the furniture of lamps and lanterns. Among them, the wall lamp seems to have become the object of consumers favor. Installation is simple, but in order to make the wall lamp to achieve the desired effect, wall lamp installation requires some matters needing attention:   1、 壁灯的高度。根据壁灯安装的环境来决定,一般以距离工作面1440~1850mm为宜,卧室的壁灯安装可酌情考虑减小距离; 1, the height of the wall lamp. In general, according to the environment of wall lamp is installed to determine the distance of working face 1440 ~ 1850 mm advisable, bedroom wall lamp installation can consider reduce the distance;   2、一般的床头壁灯都会有一种倒型的卡子。在打好孔接好线以后直接用倒卡扣上就可以了,尤其是石膏壁灯只要将底盘装上去之后就把石膏灯罩挂上去就行了,而对于其他的壁灯,例如水晶壁灯的就是要挂些水晶球上去就行了,而对于哪些整体的壁灯的话,就是直接将底座铁片固定之后将灯体用螺丝扭紧就行了。 2, generally the head of a bed wall lamp is a type of clamp. After playing well hole connected line with pour card buckle directly is ok, especially the plaster wall lamp as long as chassis mount after the plaster lamps hang just go, for the other wall lamp, such as crystal wall lamp is to hang up some of the crystal ball to go, and for which a whole wall lamp, is directly to the base plate fixation after the lamp body with screw fastening.   3、安装工艺的注意。这里讲的主要是颜色,壁灯安装的颜色和电线处理效果要能与整体环境和谐相融,否则会影响美观,不但起不到预期的装饰效果,还可能成为装修的败笔。 3, the attention of the installation process. Here mainly by color, the color of the wall lamp installation and wiring treatment effect to be harmonious in harmony with the overall environment, otherwise it will affect beautiful, not only not expected adornment effect, also can be decorated failure.
壁灯安装有玄机 你知道吗?

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