
石家庄市J9九游会家电是有限的企业 认识人:高夫人 的手机:15369213194


要 to 在当前全球能源短缺的形势下,节约能源是九游J9 面临的重要问题。LED被称为新一代绿色光源,它的节能、环保、寿命长等优点,使LED照明产业成为各国重点关注的绿色产业。鉴于LED照明技术的日益成熟以及飞速发展,为了规范LED照明这一新兴市场,全球一些重要的LED区域市场纷纷推出了相关的技术法规或标准,对LED照明认证的应用提出了认证要求。 Under the situation of the current global energy shortage, energy conservation is one of the important problems we face. Known as a new generation of green LED light source, its advantages of energy-saving, environmental protection, long service life, the LED lighting industry become a national focus on green industry. In view of the increasingly mature and the rapid development of LED lighting technology, in order to standardize the LED lighting this emerging market, the global LED some important regional market have launched the relevant technical regulations or standards, the application of LED lighting certification certification requirements are put forward. Jack Hollingsworth via Corbis Jack Hollingsworth via a party 3C认证 3 c authentication 3C认证的全称为“强制性产品认证制度”,它是中国政府为保护消费者人身安全和国家安全、加强产品质量管理、依照法律法规实施的一种产品合格评定制度。 3 c authentication of all known as the "mandatory product certification system", it is the Chinese government to protect consumers' personal safety and national security, enhance product quality management, in accordance with the laws and regulations to implement a product conformity assessment system. 3C认证主要是试图通过“统一目录,统一标准、技术法规、合格评定程序,统一认证标志,统一收费标准”等一揽子解决方案,彻底解决长期以来中国产品认证制度中出现的政出多门、重复评审、重复收费以及认证行为与执法行为不分的问题,并建立与国际规则相一致的技术法规、标准和合格评定程序,可促进贸易便利化和自由化。 3 c authentication mainly by trying to "unified directory, unified standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures, unified authentication marks, unified fee standards", such as a package solution, completely solve the Chinese for a long time in the product certification system of conflicting policies from different departments, repeat review, repeated charge and authentication behavior and law enforcement behavior both problems, consistent with the international rules and establish the technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures, can promote trade facilitation and liberalization. ISO9000认证 ISO9000 certification ISO9000品质体系认证的认证机构都是经过国家认可机构认可的权威机构,对企业的品质体系的审核是非常严格的。对于企业内部来说,可按照经过严格审核的国际标准化的品质体系进行品质管理,真正达到法治化、科学化的要求,极大地提高工作效率和产品合格率,迅速提高企业的经济效益和社会效益。对于企业外部来说,当顾客得知供方按照国际标准实行管理,拿到了ISO9000品质体系认证证书,并且有认证机构的严格审核和定期监督,就可以确信该企业是能够稳定地生产合格产品乃至优秀产品的信得过的企业,从而放心地与企业订立供销合同,扩大了企业的市场占有率。 ISO9000 quality system certification certification bodies are approved by the national accreditation body of authority, to the enterprise quality system audit is very strict. For within the enterprise, can be in accordance with strict audit international standard quality system for quality management, truly achieve the rule of law, scientific requirements, greatly improve the work efficiency and product percent of pass, rapidly improve enterprise economic benefit and social benefit. For external, when customers know that the supplier in accordance with international standards for management, got the ISO9000 quality system certification, and has the strict audit and regular supervision, certification bodies can be sure that the enterprise is able to stable production of qualified products and excellent product trustworthy enterprise, thereby safely supply and sales contract with the enterprise, expand the market share of the firm.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:石家庄市莲池南大道2267号 站点://epu-ip.com

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