
石家庄市J9九游会家电不多工厂 电话联络人:高某先生 智能手机:15369213194


工程应用 The engineering application LED在室内照明工程中的应用主要集中在商业照明领域,以装饰性照明为主: The LED application in indoor lighting engineering are mainly concentrated in the field of commercial lighting, mainly decorative lighting: 1、中高档专专卖店、商场等室内商业气氛照明 1, high-grade special stores, shopping malls and other indoor commercial lighting atmosphere 节能环保、无紫外线,迎合了某些商家展示个性化光环境的心理,成了一些商家针对某些特殊产品展示的首选光源;它全光谱的色彩范围很适合烘托专卖店和商场的气氛,LED光源在局部照明、重点照明和区域照明方面的优势,能营造出其他传统照明电光源所无法比拟的高质量光环境,非常适合商业照明领域。这时候,价格成了次要考虑的因素。推荐:www.bdxm.com.cn www.sanjikeji.com www.qibijixinghao.com Energy conservation and environmental protection, no ultraviolet, catered to some merchants display personalized light environment psychology, become the best light source for some merchants for some special product display; The full spectrum of color range is very suitable to foil the atmosphere of the stores and malls, LED light source in the region of the local lighting, accent lighting and lighting, can create the other traditional light source of high quality light environment, very suitable for commercial lighting field. At that time, prices become a secondary consideration. Recommendation: www.bdxm.com.cn www.sanjikeji.com www.sanjikeji.com 2、娱乐场所、美容院照明 2, places of entertainment, beauty salon lighting LED集成光源全彩易控,可以创造静态和动态的照明效果,从白光到全光谱的任意颜色,渲染出一种强烈的娱乐气氛来,LED的出现给这类空间环境的装潢设计开启了新的思路。 LED full-color easy control, integrated light source can create static and dynamic lighting effect, from the white light to the full spectrum of any color, apply colours to a drawing gives a strong entertainment atmosphere, the appearance of the LED to this kind of space environment decoration design opens up a new train of thought. 3、酒吧、咖啡厅等休闲场所的气氛照明 3, bars, coffee shops and other places of leisure mood lighting LED光源体积小,固态发光,给了灯具生产商无限的发挥空间,可以专业制作各式不同风格的,而LED全光谱的任意颜色和动静态的照明效果让它的装饰性和制造情调的功能在这一类场所表现得淋漓尽致。 LED light source is small in size, solid state light, give a manufacturer of lamps and lanterns of infinite space, can make all kinds of different styles of professional, and LED the whole spectrum of any color and lighting effect of dynamic and static let make emotional appeal of the decorative and functional performance in this kind of places to get incisively and vividly. 4、博物馆、美术陈列馆等专业场所的照明 4, museums, art galleries and other professional place of lighting 博物馆、美术陈列馆等场所属于对照明环境要求较高的特殊场合,其展示物品的特殊性要求照明光源不含紫外线,没有热辐射。LED是冷光源,光线中不含紫外线,完全可以满足博物馆、美术陈列馆对照明的特殊要求。 Museums, art galleries and other places belong to the special occasion of higher requirements on lighting environment, the particularity of its display items require lighting light source, no ultraviolet, no thermal radiation. LED cold light source, no ultraviolet light, can completely satisfy the museum, art galleries on the special requirements of lighting. 5、会议室、多功能厅照明 5, meeting rooms, multi-function hall lighting 智能化控制的LED灰度可调,可以依据会议内容的不同调整会议室或多功能厅的照明环境,严肃或是活泼可以自由设定,LED智能化照明可以满足不同会议主题对光环境的需求。 Intelligent control of the LED gray level is adjustable, can adjust the meeting rooms and multi-function hall according to conference contents of different lighting environment, serious or lively can freely set, LED intelligent lighting can meet the needs of different conference theme to light environment. 6、酒店、宾馆照明 6, hotel, hotel lighting 酒店、宾馆的照明运用LED产品,或是在大堂,或是在客房,给顾客带来一种不一样的感受,除了节约能源之外,还能尽显豪华和温馨,对业主而言,营造的个性化的光环境可以充分的彰显企业的实力。 Hotel, the guesthouse lighting using LED products, or in the lobby, or in the guest room, to the customer in a different way, in addition to saving energy, still can show luxury and warmth, for the owner, to create a personalized light environment can fully reveal the strength of the enterprise. 7、展览会、时装表演照明 7, the exhibition, fashion show lighting 展览会、时装表演是商家展示其产品和服务的场地。对商家而言,为了更好的吸引顾客,推销商品并最终达成合作协议,他们需要个性化的光环境来展示其产品和服务,LED在展览会和时装表演照明领域大有用武之地。 The exhibition, fashion show is the site of the merchants display their products and services. For businesses, in order to attract customers, selling goods and eventually reached cooperation agreement, they need personalized light environment to display their products and services, the LED's scope for the exhibition and fashion show lighting field.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南大道2267号 首页://epu-ip.com

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