
张家口市J9九游会电商比较有限厂家 去联络人:高太太 收集:15369213194


LED室內照明產品的開發方向 The development direction of LED indoor lighting products LED在室外照明工程中的應用已經非常普遍,但在室內照明工程的應用卻處在初步階段,這一方面是因為流明成本太高的因素,另一方面也是因為LED室內照明的產品種類太少,照明設計人員苦於無從選擇,而給室內照明產品的推廣設置了障礙。個人認為,LED室內照明產品的開發和推廣應注重以下五個方面: LED application in outdoor lighting engineering has become so common, but in the indoor lighting engineering application is in preliminary stage, and the factors on the one hand, because of high lumen costs, on the other hand is because the LED indoor lighting products is too little, lighting designers have no choice, and for indoor lighting product promotion set up obstacles. The individual thinks, LED indoor lighting product development and promotion should pay attention to the following five aspects: 1、產品系列化 1, product seriation 應用于室內照明的傳統燈具可謂是名目繁多,筒燈、射燈、格柵燈、花燈和吊燈等組成了商業照明和家居照明兩大領域,主導著室內照明的方向,而目前應用於室內照明LED產品主要就是LED杯燈、LED地磚等裝飾性照明燈具,其它常見的傳統燈具則少見LED光源的應用,但這一塊市場的巨大潛力毋庸置疑,隨著LED光效的提升和價格的降低,誰最先開發了系列化產品,誰就搶佔了市場的先機。 Applied to traditional indoor lighting lamps and lanterns is various, tube lamp, lamp, grille lamp, lamps and lanterns of the field of commercial lighting and home lighting, LED indoor lighting direction, and at present is mainly applied to indoor lighting LED products LED lamp cup, LED decorative lighting lamps and lanterns, such as floor tile other common traditional lamps and lanterns is rare application of LED light source, but the huge potential of a market, no doubt, along with the ascending of LED luminous efficiency and lower price, who first developed series products, who will take advantage of the market. 2、產品集成化、智慧化 2, product integration, wisdom LED的一個最大的優勢就是容易控制。且可以集群控制,在一些需要可程式設計能力的場合,LED智慧化產品能夠提供一系列的解決方案,內含三基色LED和一個微處理器的智慧LED產品,配置DMX512通信協定可以在乙太網上運行,這為室內照明的智慧化管理提供了便捷,還可以淡化因使用LED導致初次投入成本過高的劣勢。 LED one of the biggest advantage is easy to control. And can control cluster, in some occasions need to program design ability, wisdom LED products to provide a series of solutions, and contains the wisdom of the tricolor LED and a microprocessor LED products, configuration can run in Ethernet net DMX512 communication protocols, the wisdom of this for indoor lighting management provides convenient, also can play down the initial investment cost is too high as a result of using the LED disadvantage. 3、產品人性化 3, product humanization 照明,在經歷了一系列的演變之後,正慢慢變成一種時尚,人性化的照明產品成了人們的首選,而LED體積小,不像傳統光源有玻殼,且光線容易控制,在燈具外觀的人性化設計方面給了LED燈具生產商無限的發揮空間。 Lighting, after going through a series of evolution, is slowly into a kind of fashion, humanized lighting products has become the first choice, and the LED is small in size, unlike traditional light source has the glass shell, and the light is easy to control, the appearance of humanized design for the LED lamps and lanterns of lamps and lanterns manufacturers of infinite space.

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:沧州市莲池南大道2267号 站点://epu-ip.com

张家口市J9九游会物品现有公司推存:led照明电器电器工程建设照明电器照明电器电器,灯饰led产品照明电器电器公司,工程建设照明电器电器工程建设照明电器照明电器电器,门窗灯饰led产品照明电器电器公司,商业性的照明电器照明电器电器市场价,室内照明电器电器工程建设照明电器照明电器电器 :

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