
沧州市J9九游会小家电受限集团 结合人:高女士 移动手机:15369213194


LED 灯具保护接地的连续性
LED 灯具保护接地的连续性
LED lamps and lanterns of protective earthing continuity 
LED 灯饰上的庇护保护性一定与地面系统端子排与或者成导电的比较容易触碰元器件相互间;庇护保护性一定与地面系统的关键所在是保护性一定与地面系统永远的性和准确性保护性一定与地面系统的多次性,使验测的庇护保护性一定与地面系统多次性电阻值≤0.5 欧。
The protective earthing terminal on the LED lamps and lanterns and could be charged between the most accessible components; Grounding protection is the key to the continuity of grounding permanent and reliability, the detection of protective earthing continuity resistance or less 0.5 euro. 
So the first thing to determine which parts to protect the earth, and then the solution to the need to protect the earth continuity between the parts and connect terminals. 
1, when to complete the installation of lamps and lanterns palpable, and insulation failure can become electrically charged components; 
2, when open the palpable for clean lamps and lanterns, and absolutely green fails may become electrically charged components; 
3, lamps and lanterns of the safety components of metal mounting surface; 
4, with lamps and lanterns of security components (such as electrical wiring, control equipment) or may contact the metal surface; 
5, what is more important to went up from the structure to ensure the continuity between them. 
6, with the yellow green double color line for identification of conductor, whether internal or external wiring connection, should be connected to the earthing terminal only; 
7, with self tapping screws can be used to protect the grounding continuity, as long as in this connection will not interfere with the normal use, and each joint with at least two screws; 
8, with aluminum and copper cannot be directly connected to ground to electrochemical reaction will cause the contact resistance, impact grounding continuous low resistance; 
9、接地电阻的测量,可用测量设备调至 12V,10A 检测,电阻值≤0.5欧。
9, the grounding resistance measurement, measuring equipment is available to the 12 v, 10 a detection, resistance or less 0.5 euro. 

LED 灯具保护接地的连续性

版权 © 保定市J9九游会电器有限公司 技术支持:遨游网络

电话:15369213194 地址:保定市市莲池南街道2267号 站点://epu-ip.com

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