
沧州市J9九游会电器产品是有限的集团 结合人:高大先生 移动设备:15369213194


Why the energy-saving lamp tube bulb so it doesn't work? That was the way it is. 
This energy-saving lamps also known as the ballast fluorescent lamp, high photosynthetic efficiency, energy saving, start fast and low pressure can start. But it has a fatal flaw, it is not suitable for use of the lamps and lanterns that move light. 
担心能源管理灯和一样 的荧光灯与众不同,它用的是荧光粉,靠有害气体蓄电池充电,以至于光效一样 要高是平民荧光灯五六倍。
Because incandescent light bulbs, energy-saving lamps and general, its use is phosphors, by gas discharge, and photosynthetic efficiency generally five or six times more than ordinary incandescent bulbs. 
At the same time, because with the ballast, so in the case of low voltage can normal boot. But if frequently to adjust its brightness, it's easy to damage. 
And incandescent lamp is to rely on tungsten fever and emit visible light, brightness can be adjusted freely. Therefore, household lamps, hanging night light, etc., are generally use incandescent bulbs, instead of using energy-saving light bulbs. 
但在九游J9 的的生活中,环保灯管早已经大多上被环保灯以至于Led所充当。大多数是哪另一类灯具开关黑与白,环保灯都占领了比较大的占比。
But in our life, incandescent lamp has been largely replaced by energy-saving lamps and LED lights. Whatever kind of light source of lamps and lanterns, energy-saving lamps are occupied larger proportion. 
能效灯也主要是因为兼有的优越性,而在灯具开关餐饮市场风靡。这样九游J9 可以来说看,操作能效灯就是真的能领取能效作用?
Energy-saving lamps also because of its advantages, and popular in the market of lamps and lanterns. So let's have a look, can you really get to use energy-saving lamps and energy saving effect? 
According to one knife, energy-saving lamps save electricity, obtained the lights, because it is usually 5 times of ordinary incandescent lamp. Light can be converted into visible light, 25% and 75% is converted into heat energy. 
And ordinary incandescent lamp, only 5% can be converted into visible light, the other 95% is converted into heat energy. 
That is to say, as the light source, ordinary incandescent lamp actually losses as high as 95%. Energy-saving lamps, by contrast, does well the energy-saving, save electricity. 
But always and disadvantages with advantages. 
Key of energy-saving lamps, including ballasts, fluorescent powder, burner flame retardant materials. If the ballast quality is bad, don't use the phosphor, but with the ordinary halogen powder, plus the burner flame retardant material quality is poor, the energy-saving lamps torch gun not only photosynthetic efficiency is low, service life is short. 
While costs, at least, is the high quality energy-saving lamp tube light bulbs 8 to 12 times. Even if compared to common incandescent lamp torch, gun, also want to three to six times higher. 
没法一谈,让九游J9 应明确是为何回事儿了。
So, we should understand what is going on. 
So, let's buy energy-saving lamps, don't only look at its glorious appearance, and should be the dominant requirements on key parts, is lamp bulb. 
There is also a little reminder, family widely used 3 u tube light bulbs, energy-saving lamps price below 10 yuan/only, do not buy as far as possible. Otherwise, frequent change not only increase the cost still ACTS up trouble. 
一剑只是 犯了这样子的系统错误,直接性的效果,只是 饭很少说了,外套衣服也很少给洗了……后事之师,血泪惨痛教训,这,值得买你分类。
A knife is made such a mistake, the direct consequences, is rice nobody did, is not to wash the clothes... Tears from experience, lessons, this, is worth your reference. 


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电话:15369213194 地址:沧州市莲池南南大街2267号 首页://epu-ip.com

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