
沧州市J9九游会电器设备是有限的平台 练习人:高老兄 安卓机:15369213194


评价一个节能灯产品的好坏,九游J9 应该从下面几方面考虑。
Evaluate the stand or fall of an energy-saving lamp products, we should from the following several aspects to consider. 

1. The security. Including the following aspects: 

A. lamp holder (iron, copper or aluminum) and the combination of the plastic parts is tight; 

B. whether tubes with plastic shell under a firm; 

C. on shell plastic parts and the shell plastic parts for fastening, can under the high temperature; 

D. whether the shell plastic parts with flame retardant high temperature (above 180 ℃) materials; 

E. skeleton in electronic ballast circuit, circuit board presence of flame retardant materials; 

F. for adopting appropriate insurance in the electronic circuit components or insurance tube. 

When the lamp holder and plastic joint unstable, lamp holder can occur easily within the lamp holder, lamp holder by two fuses with energy-saving lamps hanging. Appear such circumstance, the first on the one hand, when you go to remove the energy-saving lamps very troublesome, and it's not safe in the second, even if you turn off the power to change, when you switch without control of fire control of the zero line, it is easy to get an electric shock. The third aspect cause a short-circuit, due to the lamp holder with the power cord friction lamp holder is easy to cut the power cord. The fourth aspect, when the power cord and lamp holder or circuit board welding when the lamp is easy to fall down. 

When the tube and shell model under a combination of weak, bulb is easy to hang on energy-saving lamps, when not tight upper and lower shell plastic parts combined with energy-saving lamps will be three parts of a whole hanging on the lamp holder, such accidents as above the first serious. 

Life of 2. 

The service life of energy-saving lamp is composed of two parts: 

A. tubes of life: the life of the tube and its raw materials, manufacturing process, manufacturing equipment, and quality control and assurance system have the very big relations. The raw materials affect the service life of a product in the first place, and decided a product lifespan. But if good raw materials, process, equipment, technology and management did not cooperate well, as long as a link to a problem, the life cycle of the product will be very short. 

B. the service life of electronic ballasts: a common model of energy-saving lamp electronic ballast is composed of 30 components, about if one of the original device is damaged, so the energy-saving lamps can't light up; If the original device of an electronic ballast is very good, but if the parameter adaptation is not good, also won't grow; the service life of electronic ballasts If above two items are doing very well, but if process control is not good, quality management and control is not good, good even if the kung fu is in vain. 

  从上面的分析九游J9 可以看出做出一个产品是由很多环节组成,只要其中一个环节出错,这个产品就做不好。
From the above analysis we can see how to make a product is composed of many links, as long as one of the link error, this product can't do it better. 

3. The luminous flux, droop, and photosynthetic efficiency 

Luminous flux, droop, and whether it reflects a energy-saving lamps lighting products have the effect of energy saving, whether can achieve the parameters stipulated in the national standard. 

4. The color tolerance, color rendering index and the consistency of color temperature of batch products 

  色容差、显色指数以及整批产品色温的一致性反应节能灯毛管的光参数的一个重要指标。从这些指标九游J9 可以看出厂家三基色荧光粉的纯度,它的工艺水平,它的技术水平。国家标准规定三基色荧光灯6400K色温的节能灯显色指数要大于78,色容差要小于6;2700K色温的节能灯显色指数要大于80,色容差小于6;好的节能灯产品能达到这一水平。比较差的节能灯由于采用的荧光粉差,工艺又不一致,所以它生产出来的节能灯色容差大于15,显色指数小于50,这对于一些营业性照明很难达到要求,特别在一些大量很用节能灯的场合,由于它的显色指数低,色温的一致性又差,看上去简直眼花潦乱。
Color tolerance, color rendering index and the consistency of the whole batch of product color temperature response of the optical parameters of energy-saving lamps capillary is an important indicator. From these indicators we can see the purity of manufacturer tricolor phosphors, its technological level, its technical level. Tricolor fluorescent 6400 k color temperature of national standard of energy-saving light color rendering index more than 78, color tolerance should be less than 6; 2700 k color temperature of energy-saving light color rendering index more than 80, color tolerance is less than 6. Good energy-saving lamps products can reach this level. More bad of the energy-saving lamps due to poor use of phosphor, craft and inconsistent, so it produced energy-saving light color tolerance is more than 15, color rendering index is less than 50, it is difficult to meet the requirements for some commercial lighting, especially in some large amounts of very with energy-saving lamps, because of its low color rendering index, color temperature and the consistency of the poor, looked at flow rate. 


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电话:15369213194 地址:沧州市莲池南大道2267号 手机网址://epu-ip.com

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