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漫漫长夜,一盏盏各式各样的照明灯具,为居家、出行、工作学习的人们带来了光明,也极大地的丰富了人们的夜生活,如果一个没有电灯的夜晚,是让人无法想象的。今天九游J9 就一起回顾和展望一下照明灯具的发展历程。
All night long, YiZhanZhan all kinds of lighting lamps and lanterns, for home, travel, work and study of people brought light, also greatly enriched the people's nightlife, and if one doesn't light of night, is to let people can't imagine. Today we will review together and look at the development of lighting lamps and lanterns. 
Before the leaves after the 19th century, people are more at night using all kinds of oils and fats, candles, straw and other natural objects as lighting raw material. At the beginning of the 20th century, with the development of modern electrical industrial, especially after Edison invented the incandescent lamp, lighting of human history entered the age of electricity. 
Incandescent lamp as the first kind of electric lighting lamps and lanterns, are widely used for nearly 120 years since its birth. But incandescent lamp principle of work is made up of heat and light, so there are fatal flaws, photoelectric conversion efficiency is low and the energy consumption is higher. Along with our country the government decided to fully eliminated before 2020 incandescent lamp, it is also into the river of history. 
People later in response to the square, stadium and other places of large lighting required and successively developed the high pressure sodium lamp, high-pressure mercury lamp, halide lamp, tungsten lamp high-power widespread type lighting lamps and lanterns, as a result of these lamps and lanterns is typically require more accessory device, and the shortcomings such as its calorific value greatly, therefore, not into the ordinary people, now they exist only in the specific occasion. 
现在九游J9 日常广泛使用的照明灯具为各种各样的荧光电子节能灯。其实荧光灯原来使用电磁镇流器和氖泡式启辉器拖动,体积较大故没有大范围普及。随着电子技术和电子元件制造工艺的进步,现在普遍采用电子镇流器替代了原来沉重的关联设备。电子型荧光灯具有光电转换效率高、色温柔和、显色性好等优点,而且其使用寿命也较白炽灯长等诸多优点,是目前照明灯具当中的绝对主力。
Now our daily use of lighting lamps and lanterns of all kinds of fluorescent electronic energy-saving lamps. Actually originally used electromagnetic ballasts and drag the starter neon bulb type, volume is die without widespread popularity. With the progress of electronic technology and electronic components manufacturing technology, is widely used electronic ballast to replace the original heavy associated equipment. Electrical fluorescent lamps with high photoelectric conversion efficiency, color soft and, as well as good color rendering, incandescent light bulbs, and its service life is long, and many other advantages, is the absolute main force of lighting lamps and lanterns. 
随着近20年大功率光电电子技术的发展,各种体积小、亮度高,色彩丰富的LED照明灯具开始崭露头角,成为现阶段照明灯具当中的新宠。现在的LED照明灯具采用多只LED发光二极管或串或并组合使用,其供电方式也分为恒流、恒压恒流等多种形式的电子线路。由于LED发光二极管单只工作电压较低(一般为DC2.5--4.5v左右),故在各种移动便携式照明灯具当中被广泛采用。而且由于LED发光二极管具有可任意组合的特点, 在各种电压等级环境下也被广泛使用。但LED由于亮度较高,显色性较差故一般仅做为广散型照明灯具使用,如台达等近距离使用的灯具,建议还是选择荧光灯具。LED灯具售价现阶段比荧光型电子节能灯要贵一些,虽有一些廉价的LED灯具出售但大多采用阻容降压方式供电,供电质量和使用寿命一般较差,购买时需谨慎。
With the development of nearly 20 years high power optical electronic technology, a variety of small volume, high brightness, colorful LED lighting lamps and lanterns of emergence, become the present stage of lighting lamps and lanterns to be bestowed favor on newly. Now the LED lighting lamps and lanterns USES more than LED light-emitting diodes, or string or and combination, the power supply is also divided into constant current, constant voltage, constant current, and other forms of electronic circuit. Due to the low LED light-emitting diodes only working voltage (generally about DC2.5-4.5 v), therefore, widely used for various types of mobile portable lighting lamps and lanterns. And because the LED light emitting diode can be any combination of features, environment has been widely used in all kinds of voltage grade. But LED with high brightness, color rendering so poor general lighting lamps and lanterns use only as a widespread type, such as in close range used lamps and lanterns, advice or fluorescent lamps and lanterns. LED lamps and lanterns price at this stage is expensive than fluorescent type electronic energy-saving lamps, although have some cheap LED lamps and lanterns to sell but mostly adopts the resistance capacity step-down method power supply, power supply quality and the service life of the general is bad, need to be careful when buying. 
On the whole, incandescent lamp is about to end, fluorescent type electronic energy-saving lamps are replaced by the rising star of the LED lights. 


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